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It is the most stirring story I've ever read.

It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date. 因为这年的流星雨成为迄今为止最为壮观的。
It is the most popular design. 为最多的设计方式。
It is the most popular of movies. 这是最受欢迎的电影。
It is the most ridiculous matter of my life. 这是我一生中最好笑的一件事。
It is the most solemn of the ceremonies. 那是最为庄严隆重的典礼。
It is the most stirring story I've ever read. 这是我读过的所有故事中最激动人心的一篇。
It is the most thrilling and exciting game I have ever seen. 那是我看过的最惊心动魄的比赛。
It is the mud sample taken while the gas logging was abnormal. 这是在气测异常时取的泥浆样。
It is the names that make this volume uniquely harrowing, singularly distressing, exceptionally depressing. 正是这些人的名字,使得这本书让人觉得异常的痛心、难以释怀的悲哀和特殊的阴沉。
It is the national interests of both natio that plays the decisive role and have the final say in this regard. 这是出于两国人民的民族利益;这种利益起了决定性作用,拥有最后发言权.
It is the national interests of both nations that plays the decisive role and have the final say in this regard. 这是出于两国人民的民族利益;这种利益起了决定性作用,拥有最后发言权.

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