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Aug 24 (Reuters) - Solar-cell maker China Sunergy Co Ltd (CSUN.O: Quote, Profile, Research) posted a quarterly loss on rising costs for polysilicon, a key raw material, and a drop in average selling price, sending its shares down more than 30 percent.

Audrey: Not nice at all. 根本就不友好。
Auerbach started his coaching career at St. Albans Prep School and Roosevelt High School in Washington, D.C., before serving in the U.S. Navy from 1943 to 1946. 在美国海军1943-1946年服役前,奥尔巴奇在圣阿尔巴马预备学校和在华盛顿特区的罗斯福高中开始了他的教练生涯。
Auf Wiedersehen! 再见!
Aug 20,2005: Added a benchmark program, available on the download page. 增加了一个基准程序,可以从下载页面下载。
Aug 2001 to present, Akzo Nobel (Ningbo) powder coating co.,ltd,undertaking the R&D ,the following -up of the production,the technical service and the internal management. 2001年8月至今,阿克苏.诺贝尔.长诚涂料(宁波)有限公司(荷兰独资),技术部项目主管(从事产品的研发,生产跟踪,技术服务及内部管理).
Aug 24 (Reuters) - Solar-cell maker China Sunergy Co Ltd (CSUN.O: Quote, Profile, Research) posted a quarterly loss on rising costs for polysilicon, a key raw material, and a drop in average selling price, sending its shares down more than 30 percent. 太阳能电池片制造商中电光伏(CSUN),公告了第二季度财务报告,因为原材料多晶硅价格上涨,而产品销售平均价格却出现下跌,导致它的股价暴跌超过30%.
Aug. 4: Divers continue the search for bodies among the debris of the collapsed Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis. 8月4日,潜水员继续在倒塌的桥梁废墟中间搜寻尸体。
Aug. 7, try the proportion. The bee has to lie down before the complete of cruses. 8月6日这个自然是小腿了,为了承受大半身的重量,用了筷子。
Augmented Reality is a variation of Virtual Reality. 摘要增强现实技术是虚拟现实技术的最新进展。
Augury. Learn if an intended action will be good or bad. 卜筮:得知动作结果是好是坏。
August 1 of each year is the Army Day. 每年8月1日是建军节。

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