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This produces an image of a single plane in the specimen.

This process works best if they set aside the analysis after it's complete and then revisit it later with a fresh perspective. 如果他们把分析留到报告完成然后在稍晚时候以一个新的角度重新审视之后,这个流程就最有效。
This process yields a cylindrical ingot—a massive gem-quality crystal—from which many thin wafers are then cut. 这个过程会产出一个圆柱形的矽晶棒,它是一颗具有宝石品质的巨大晶体,稍后我们可以从它身上切下许多薄薄的晶圆。
This process, difficult and complex as it is, is simple compared to the job of discovering that new kinds of corn could be developed, or to the job of discovering how to develop them. 这个过程虽然困难而且复杂,但是与研究培育玉米新品种和找出育种方法相比就简单多了。
This processing essentially doubles the magnification and the spatial resolution. 这一处理过程本质上使放大率和空间分辨率加倍。
This processor core is of small area and very low power and can be used in programmable baseband processor design. 经实际流片测试,该处理器核具有面积小、功耗低的特点,可用于多模无线通信基带处理器的设计。
This produces an image of a single plane in the specimen. 这样就在样品上形成了单平面的相。
This produces the bleeding that allows detection through a stool guaiac test. 会引起出血,可以通过粪便检查出来。
This produces the cross hatching effect of thick grid lines where the surface would otherwise shade darkly, and thin grid lines where the surface would shade brightly. 这产生了粗格线的交叉阴影效果,除非表面是被着成暗色的,在明亮的被着色表面上显示为细的格线。
This produces the effect of a bright highlight on the edge of a surface that faces away from lights in the scene, while edges that face lights directly have their highlights obfuscated. 这产生了一个在表面的边缘上一个高亮的效果,当在场景里远离灯光的面上,当边缘面对灯光时有它自己的模糊的高光。
This product accelerates epidermal skin replacement cell regeneration and result of decreasing in skin aging. 同时,具促进皮肤内部保湿,并能滋润皮肤表面及具有增加皮肤细胞氧气吸收量的功效。
This product adduction ancientry palace faoster face secret,combine modem times herbalist doctor exoterica,s wel s manifold herbal medicine extractio distillate make with extra care.Speedy comfort balance skin PH,shrink pore,vailability intercede skin eng 独特的抗汗防水配方,不油腻,四季都可以用,感触清爽,有淡化泛黄晦暗和色泽不均匀的肤色,抑制黑色素的生成,防止因日晒引起的色斑、雀斑,自然吸收不残留,使肌肤保持滋润光泽,有弹性,感觉滑爽自在,为肌肤增添透明感,使上妆更贴切、更持久。

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