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Write that down! It might be on a quiz!- After defining the acronyms WMD and NBC, 4 October 2001.

Wow,says the banker, what did the vet do to that bull? 哇!银行员问道:兽医对那公牛做了什麽?
Wow,the girl exclaimed. Wow. “哇,”女孩子叫了起来。“哇。”
Wow-dow!she cried, clapping her hands delightedly. “哇哇啦啦,”她大叫,愉快地拍打着双手。
Wow...So we still can't find the other half that ran away??? “哇...那么,我们现在仍然不能找到逃走的那一半吗??”
Wretched daughter! How dare she disobey her father's wishes! 可怜的女儿!你怎么敢违抗父亲的意图!
Write that down! It might be on a quiz!- After defining the acronyms WMD and NBC, 4 October 2001. “记下来!随堂测验可能会考!”─定义完WMD和NBC这两个缩写名词之后,2001年10月4日。
Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 19所以你要把所看见的,和现在的事,并将来必成的事,都写出来。
Xie Hu is the right man for the job,Qi replied without hesitation. 祁黄羊毫不迟疑地回答说:“解狐去,最合适了。”
Xin Jing Baowith the focus network joint investigation : Provident Fund loans displays? 《新京报》与焦点网联合调查:公积金房贷难不难?
YES-He can't help but say it. “是的”他不禁说出声音来。
YOUR SATISFACTION, OUR GOAL , Top Lighting Co., Ltd feel ready to light up your life-style and create a bright tomorrow with our broad customers along the roads of production and great undertaking! “您的满意,是我们的目标”,德普灯饰非常乐意照亮您的生活,愿与广大客户在生产和事业的道路上创造美好的明天!

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