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According to Rona Berg, in her book, 'Beauty,' a French cosmetics executive once told her 'soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down.' We agree.

According to Quibbler magazine, this was in 1990. 来源:1990年的唱唱反调。
According to Richard Bernstein of Merrill Lynch, most S&P 500 constituents outperformed the index in each of the years from 2000 to 2005. 据美林证券理查德.伯恩斯坦称,大多数标准普尔指数上市公司在2000年至2005年期间各年表现均好于指数。
According to Richard Feynman, physics is to mathematics as sex to masturbation. 理查费曼就是那个「别闹了」的物理学家,此人文字幽默风趣,我手头也有几本他的书。
According to Roger Wolf, an environmental specialist who left the Iowa department of agriculture to head up Project Alliance, the problem is that farther downstream, the Raccoon River supplies 350,000 residents in Iowa's capital city, Des Moines, with the 根据现已离开爱荷华州农业部来领导这一联合计划的环保专家罗杰·沃尔夫的看法,问题出现在阮昆河的下游,因为在那里阮昆河是爱荷华州的首府迪莫伊350,000居民的饮用水来源。
According to Roman Catholic tradition, Epiphany signifies the first appearance of Christ to the gentiles in the story of the visit of the three wisemen to the divine infant Jesus. 依照罗马天主教的传统,主显节是代表三位智者拜访圣婴耶稣的故事上,基督首次向异教徒展现。
According to Rona Berg, in her book, 'Beauty,' a French cosmetics executive once told her 'soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down.' We agree. 一个法国人在书《美女》中说,一个法国化妆品经理告诉她,应该避免在脖子以上部位使用香皂。
According to Rotary history, Paul Harris was first inspired to form a club while walking with a colleague through a Chicago neighborhood that recalled the friendly small-town life of his boyhood. 限据扶轮历史记载,保罗?哈理斯在与一位同事走过芝加哥一个让他想起童年亲切小镇生活的社区时,第一次产生成立社团的念头。
According to Russian sources, China began work on its own carrier in 1999 at Shanghai Shipyard. 据俄方人士透露,中国开始对自己的工作,在1999年上海造船厂承运人.
According to Sabine Reul, who runs a Frankfurt-based translation company, translation tools have limited uses - and problems arise when web users expect too much from them. 据法兰克福一家翻译公司的老板萨拜因·勒尔说,翻译工具的用途是有限的,当使用者期望值过高的时候,问题就出现了。
According to Sandra, Bill's a normal, funny, rough, jean-wearing, flannel shirt guy, who has a great sense of humor and he is a brilliant carpenter. 据桑德拉说,比尔是个普普通通的男子,他风趣乐观,粗犷结实,总穿着牛仔服和法兰绒衬衫,他具有极强的幽默感,并做一手绝妙的木工活。
According to Sandy, I tend to like a neutral palette with the primary color red as an accent. 我在佛州的家看上去像一个大学公寓,到处塞满了东西。

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