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2 During the term of this Agreement, the Licensor shall not use or grant any third party to use the Trademarks in any manner and in relation to any goods or service in the Territory or elsewhere.

2 Diskette labels should clearly indicate the call sign used, contest name, entry class, and date of the contest. 磁片的标签必须标明使用的呼号、比赛名称、参赛组别及比赛日期。
2 Do not litter. Throw your rubbish into the refuse bin. 别乱抛垃圾.把废物丢进垃圾桶里.
2 Don't flex your hand to ask someone come here! 风俗习惯:1不要用你的左手握手!
2 Don't worry that the siren is on, they just want to get past. Pull to the side and let them pass. 警笛响了也不用去管,他们只是想过去而已。把车往路边靠,让他们过去。
2 During the ceremony on Tuesday, a moment of silence was observed in memory of Russian investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya. 在星期二的开幕典礼上,有一刻的安静是为了怀念俄罗斯的调查报道记者安娜·波利特科夫斯卡娅。
2 During the term of this Agreement, the Licensor shall not use or grant any third party to use the Trademarks in any manner and in relation to any goods or service in the Territory or elsewhere. 在本合同有效期内,许可方不得,也不得授权任何第三方在约定的地域或其他地域在任何商品或服务上以任何方式使用本商标。
2 Each main exhaust pipe shall have one exhaust fan. 一个风机控制一个主要的排气管道。
2 Early Arab traders gather in this area to do business. 早期的阿拉伯商人聚集在这一区做生意.
2 East or west, home is best. 金窝,银窝不如自己的狗窝。
2 Either party may terminate the partnership by giving one year's notice. 2任一方可通过给出一年的通知以终止合作。
2 Employee should clock in and out himself, can not substitute other or substituted by other, once detected, the agent and oneself should be punished 200 RMB. 员工进出应亲自刷卡,任何人不得代理他人或由他人代本人刷卡,一经发现,代刷卡人和本人均处以罚款200元。

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