Of course, the data do not show why working moms are healthiest but the women's view of their own health at 26 did not correlate with whether they undertook both careers and families, seeming to discount a definitive role for good health in determining a
当然,这些数据并不能说明为何有工作的妈妈最健康,但26岁的女性认为她们的身体状况,与是否可以同时胜任事业和家庭赋予的双重角色无关,她们似乎并不相信健康的身体可以决定一个女性的选择。 |
Of course, the ego's polarized sense of Reality and the potential for success at validating itself never ever has come to completion, because it is illusory.
当然,小我对实相的二元经历以及想尽办法认可自身存在的这个心愿是絶不可能达成的,因为它根本就虚幻不实。 |
Of course, the emphasis here is on the short term.
当然,这里强调的是短期效益。 |
Of course, the flour was lost.
当然,面粉丢了。 |
Of course, the game engine ultimately will use these attributes whenever a computer-controlled friend or foe interacts with the player.
当然,无论何时,只要玩家与电脑控制的朋友或敌人相遇,游戏引擎最终都会使用到这些属性。 |
Of course, the great majority of this information is garbage, and no use to any form of life.
当然,这些信息的绝大部分是垃圾,对任何生命形式都无用处。 |
Of course, the most famous legend is the one surrounding the lady living in the moonthat dates back to ancient times, to a day when ten suns appeared at once in the sky.
当然最出名的要数,追述于远古时代有10个太阳的时代的关于“住在月亮上的女人”的故事。 |
Of course, the most immediate benefit of classroom teaching and textbook writing is that they allow you to mold the minds of students.
当然,当堂授课和潜心写书的最大的好处就是,它们帮你培养学生的思维。 |
Of course, the need to find a store location signage (domain name)!
当然最需要的是一个能指明自家位置的路标(域名)! |
Of course, the physical laws governing the energy generation cycle holds still, but the equations seemingly meet with a singularity.
无疑,掌管著能量输出的物理定律仍然有效,方程组却遇上了无可解决的奇异点。 |
Of course, the planning as is referred to here differs fundamentally from the so-called planning under the planned economy.
宏观调控的主要任务,是保持经济总量平衡,抑制通货膨胀,促进重大经济结构优化,实现经济稳定增长。 |