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13 For instance, something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed upon me from boyhood to love books and reading.

13 Before spud, adjust the viscosity of bentonite sweep to over 80 seconds by adding Lime. 一开前,用石灰将般土浆粘度调至80秒以上。
13 CR hardened stem with mirror-like, burnished finish for longer packing life. 13 CR硬化的阀杆,接近镜面的抛光度,延长填料的使用寿命。
13 Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to scorch the earthin front of the German invaders. 苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林被打了个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国入侵者到来之前实行“焦土”政策。
13 DT: All right, NicK.All my executives...and every one of your peers in this room have said you're a salesman but not a leader.And you Know it takes more than just saying you can sell yourself...to run a company.You have to command the respect of the pe 好吧,尼克,在座的我的经理们...和你的每个战友都说你是个销售员,而不是个领导人,而你知道光能推销自己...能经营一家公司还远远不够.你令在座各位对你肃然起敬.不过很不幸,我不得不说...你被解雇了.
13 Environmental issues: The environmental impact of the farming activities should be assessed and appropriate actions have to be taken in case of necessity. 环境问题:应考虑到环境对农业生产的影响,必要时应采取适当的措施。
13 For instance, something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed upon me from boyhood to love books and reading. 例如,我父亲的最不同寻常之处在于,从我童年时代起,他就让我深深意识到要热爱书籍、热爱阅读。
13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14我又在犹太教中,比我本国许多同岁的人更有长进,为我袓宗的遗传更加热心。
13 From the primacy of the end, proved in this threefold way, our main conclusion follows. 13从目的的首要性出发,通过这三方面的论证,就得出了我们的主要结论。
13 Gary: Do you think these kinds of trainings is necessary for us? 加里:你认为这些训练对我们有必要吗?
13 I really appreciate your help. 非常感谢你对我的帮助。
13 In global terms Chinese financial resources are immense, which provides us new financial opportunities. 13从整体上看,中国金融资源的后劲十足,这会给我们提供新的金融机会。

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