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I was once on a talk show and a woman called in.

I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax. 上星期我正在度假, 没收到你们的传真。
I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and trouble maker. 我曾经是一个英文很差的学生(大学时代十几门功课不及格),英语令我头痛,让我难堪。
I was once a writer who only wrote short stories. 我曾经是个只写短篇小说的作家。
I was once again drowned out by their America is #1pep-rally. Here is some of their words of wisdom. 我一度被他们的"美国是第一个最快回复,最有活力的"说法淹没了。这里是他们智慧之词的一部分。
I was once like you, Class of 2006, all full of ideas and hope. 我曾经像你们2006级的毕业生一样,充满着梦想和希望。
I was once on a talk show and a woman called in. 有一次,我在“脱口秀”节目中,一位妇女打来电话。
I was one of the last leaver. 我是最后离去者之一.
I was one of the last leavers. 我是最后离去者之一.
I was one of the latest leaver. 我是最后离去者之一.
I was one of the latest leavers. 我是最后离去者之一.
I was one of the lucky ones. 我以前多么地幸运呀!

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