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Article 41 The people's governments at or above the county level shall include sports expenditure and funds for sports capital construction in financial budgets and plans for capital construction investment at the corresponding levels and along with the d

Article 41 Should a trustee trust an auctioneer to auction articles or property rights, he or she shall provide his or her identity certificate, or the certificate of the ownership of the auction target as required by the auctioneer, or the certificate or 第四十一条委托人委托拍卖物品或者财产权利,应当提供身份证明和拍卖人要求提供的拍卖标的的所有权证明或者依法可以处分拍卖标的的证明及其他资料。
Article 41 The State encourages land consolidation. 第四十一条国家鼓励土地整理。
Article 41 The decisions made by a supervisory organ at a higher level after check and the decisions made by the supervisory organ under the State Council after review or reexamination shall be final. 第四十一条上一级监察机关的复核决定和国务院监察机关的复查决定或者复审决定为最终决定。
Article 41 The payer shall accept or refuse the bill within three days of receiving the bill as presented for acceptance. 第四十一条付款人对向其提示承兑的汇票,应当自收到提示承兑的汇票之日起三日内承兑或者拒绝承兑。
Article 41 The people's court of second instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel of judges. 第四十一条人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。
Article 41 The people's governments at or above the county level shall include sports expenditure and funds for sports capital construction in financial budgets and plans for capital construction investment at the corresponding levels and along with the d 第四十一条县级以上各级人民政府应当将体育事业经费体育基本建设资金列入本级财政预算和基本建设投资计划,并随着国民经济的发展逐步增加对体育事业的投入。
Article 41 The term for the use of land by a foreign-capital enterprise shall be the same as the approved operation period of the said enterprise. 第四十一条外资企业的土地使用年限,与经批准的该外资企业的经营期限相同。
Article 41 Upon the extinguishments of water rights, the water rights owners or obligators shall hand in water deeds and file for extinguishments recordation. 第41条(水权消灭登记)水权消灭、水权人或义务人应缴还水权状,为消灭之登记。
Article 41 Violation of Article 7 hereof shall be subject to a fine of NT$20,000 to NT$100,000 with orders to cease and desist within a given time limit; failure to comply by the deadline may result in successive fines. 第41条违反第七条规定者,处新台币二万元以上十万元以下罚锾,并令其限期改善;届期不改善者,得按次连续处罚。
Article 41. A judge should not join any organisation with a nature of evil religion. 第四十一条法官不得参加带有邪教性质的组织。
Article 41. A unit that has caused an environmental pollution hazard shall have the obligation to eliminate it and make compensation to the unit or individual that suffered direct losses. 第四十一条造成环境污染危害的,有责任排除危害,并对直接受到损害的单位或者个人赔偿损失。

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