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Do I know how to make the most of written communication?

Do I have to tell you how I love you? A good word, or even a smile, and I overflow. 我还用再告诉你我有多爱你吗?你的一句动听的话,一个轻轻的微笑,都会令我欣喜若狂。
Do I hear a Waltz? 我是否听见一支华尔兹》
Do I hear you aright? 你的意思我理解得对吗?
Do I ice her? Do I marry her? 我应该对她冷淡?我应该娶了她?
Do I keep too much information to myself because disseminating it is time consuming or inconvenient? 因为释放某些信息会浪费时间或不方便,我个人是否保留了太多的信息?
Do I know how to make the most of written communication? 我是否懂得充分利用文字交流?
Do I lack madmen that you have brought this one to me to be a madman before me? Shall this one come into my house? 15我岂缺少疯子,你们带这人来在我面前疯癫么?这人岂可进我的家呢?
Do I lack the strength to rescue you? 我岂无拯救之力吗?
Do I like my manliness? 我真的孤独吗?
Do I look like a freaking people person? 你看我是不是一个奇怪的人们人?
Do I make myself clear? 我说清楚了吗?

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