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Aging - Will research into longevity geneshelp us live longer and healthier lives?

Agility :- A good way to boost our avoidance, agility provides the most efficient means to boost our dodge rate but is hard to itemise for. 敏捷:敏捷是一个提高闪避的好办法,敏捷是有效提高躲闪等级的手段但是很难去堆积。
Agility Book +2’s price changed from 420 to 400. 敏捷之书+2价格由420调整为400。
Agility also acts to boost our base armour levels providing a decent amount of damage mitigation ontop of the avoidance. 敏捷同样可以提高基础护甲,使得进一步的提高免伤。
Agility increases the attack rate of Heroes. 敏捷提升英雄的攻击频率。
Agility no longer increases Hero move speed. 敏捷不再提升英雄的移动速度。
Aging - Will research into longevity geneshelp us live longer and healthier lives? 衰老。对长寿基因的研究是否能帮助人类长寿、健康?
Aging Retardation. Recent studies in Japan show that velvet reduced signs normally associated with senility. This is probably due to its hormonal effects. 延缓衰老:最近在日本的研究显示鹿茸可以降低延缓老年痴呆症的发病率。这当然是与鹿茸的激素效应有关。
Aging can drain life of meaning. 衰老可能把人生的意义全部推翻。
Aging ex-opera czar Sir Rudolf Bing and his wife flew here from London yesterday to face the music in a long-running legal battle over their marriage. 现已年迈的前歌剧大师鲁道夫·宾爵士和他太太,为他们旷日费时的婚姻官司,昨天自伦敦飞抵此间出庭。
Aging has become a social problem. 老龄化已成为一个社会问题。
Aging in oak barrels (30% new each year). 人工采摘筛选,在不锈钢容器中发酵,橡木桶中陈酿。

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