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Dad:Aha, I got it! Come with me.

Dadi Gallery is a comprehensive art institution and artist combo which mostly of Realism oil painting works of Contemporary Chinese Art. 大地画廊是当代中国中、青年油画家以现实主义画风为主脉的画家联合体。
Dadi Liu has once organized off-road vehicles during the period that China applying for the Olympic Games driving from Beijing to Moscow. 刘大地曾经组织越野车队在申奥期间从北京开到了莫斯科。
Dadi, you take a picture with Liao Jia. 大地,你跟廖佳照一张相。
Dads' mailboxes are about half as full (23%) with cards from their children. 与之相比只有23%的子女给父亲寄此种贺卡,比母亲少了一半。
Dad:After that, you add gestures and body language. 之后你还要把手势和身体语言加进去.
Dad:Aha, I got it! Come with me. 爸爸:哈哈,我有办法了!跟我来。
Dad:Chill out boy, we are in the wild. 爸爸:荒郊野外,将就一点嘛.
Dad:For what? To 1)chase a stupid dream? Big-time ball player in England? Come on, it`s bullshit. 父亲:存钱干嘛?追求一个蠢梦想吗?成为英格兰的明星球员吗?拜托,那些都是唬烂。
Dad:You know what? It is for the bird's nest. 爸爸:你懂什么?这是要收集燕窝用的。
Dae-su Oh: When the melody turns on, gas comes out. 吴大修:当音乐响起的时候,气体释放出来。
Daemon!!!!! 恶魔!!!!!

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