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The funeral of Chelsea statistician and lifelong supporter Ron Hockings who died last week will be on Monday at 11am in Hastings.

The funds had been frozen in 2005 because of American accusations that they were linked to illicit dealings. 2005年,这笔资金由于受美国指控与非法交易有关而遭到冻结。
The funds of a listed company, which are possessed by an associated party, shall be paid off in cash as is the general rule. 上市公司被关联方占用的资金,原则上应当以现金清偿。
The funds will be used to help provide an upcoming cleft surgery at Tung Wah Hospital for one of our children at True Children's Home. 贵院捐给我们的资金将用于帮助肯萨斯儿童之家其中一名孩子在东华医院实施唇裂手术。
The fundus shows preretinal hemorrhages that hide partially the edematous retina around the deeply *cupped* disc. 眼底视网膜前出血,部分遮挡了视盘周围水肿的视网膜。
The funeral made its way slowly through the streets. 送葬队伍缓缓地穿过街道。
The funeral of Chelsea statistician and lifelong supporter Ron Hockings who died last week will be on Monday at 11am in Hastings. 切尔西的统计学家和终身支持者,朗.霍金上周去世了,葬礼将在下周一上午11点在黑斯廷斯市举行。
The funeral of John Blackburn, Kunming, China. 约翰·布莱克本在中国昆明的葬礼。
The funeral oration is an old custom and tradition in ancient Greece, it was very typical in Athens. 摘要葬礼演说是古代希腊一个悠久的风俗与传统,在雅典表现尤其突出。
The funeral took place on 24 April at 3 pm. 葬礼已於4月24月下午3时举行.
The funeral took place on 24 April at 3 pm. 葬礼已于4月24月下午3时举行.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon from Reavie Brothers Funeral Home and interment was in Bethel Cemetery. 葬礼于星期一下午在雷维兄弟殡仪馆举行,然后埋葬在圣地墓地中。

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