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So will the permitted testing time.

So will playing rock music, sharing a joke and even going for a jog together. 此外,听摇滚乐、分享一个笑话或者一起慢跑都能达到这个效果。
So will politicians seize the chance? 政治家们会抓住这个机会吗?
So will she marry him? That's the sixty-four dollar question. 那么她会嫁给他吗?这是关键问题。
So will smart pricing improve financial performance? 那么,巧妙的定价能改善公司的财务业绩吗?
So will the inner man be renewed from day to day. 这样,里面的人就要一天新似一天。
So will the permitted testing time. 所以将容许测试的时间。
So with Vieri unavailable, the Stamford Bridge outfit decided to sign his teammate Hernan Crespo instead. 没能购入维耶里后,切尔西转而引进了他的队友克雷斯波。
So within one day we had a round trip across the country. 所以,一天之内我们游遍了冰岛全国。
So without much ado we discussed what to do - whether to put them on the walls or in storage - and decided to put them on the walls. 于是没费什么周折,我们开始讨论该怎么办–是继续把几幅画挂在墙上还是把它们保管起来–最后决定继续把它们挂在墙上。”
So won't somebody free me from this misery? 有没有人能帮我从这种痛苦中解脱出来?
So worried that you cannot live at all? 如此担心以至你无法生存?

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