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Do not use for long time, before reuse, should make the insulation inspection on the motor.

Do not use any firearm without having a complete understanding of its particular characteristics and safe use. 绝不要在了解一支枪的特点和安全操作要领以前使用它。
Do not use any type of abrasive pad, scouring powder or solvent such as alcohol or benzine. 切勿使用任何类型的沙布,抛光粉或如酒精,汽油等溶剂进行清洁。
Do not use appliances with defective parts. 不要使用具有故障零件的电气用具。
Do not use blinking text: unless your visitors are coming straight from 1996, that is. 不要用闪烁的文字。除非你的访问者来自1996年,否则别用闪烁文字。
Do not use events, callbacks and client-side sponsors. 不使用事件,回调,不用客户端发起的租期管理。
Do not use for long time, before reuse, should make the insulation inspection on the motor. 长期困置不用,再投入使用前要对电机进行绝缘检查。
Do not use gas efficiently. 不使用燃气效率.
Do not use high resolution image or audio data which is not helpful in information contents nor the dissemination of information. 除非有资讯上的需要,避免使用影像或声音档;既使有需要,也得尽量用小的尺寸、低的解析度、单纯的色彩来表达.
Do not use jargon, unless you are certain that your audience understands it. 尽量不使用行话,除非你确信你的听众能够接受。
Do not use ladder near doorway. 不要在门口处使用梯子。
Do not use large amount. Large amount of herb causes lab animals into sedative state, spasm, coma, respiratory arrest, and death. 不可用大剂量。大剂量给药后,实验动物会出现镇静、惊厥、昏迷,呼吸麻痹而死亡。

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