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There were at least fifty-two musicians in the family of Johann Sebastian Bach.

There were angry cries from the mob. 暴徒们在怒吼。
There were angry cries from the mob. 暴徒在生气的喊叫。
There were angry words with the fourth official and linesman, and with Everton manager David Moyes too. 他和边裁和第四官员都发生了争吵,还有埃弗顿的主教练莫耶斯。
There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees. 有苹果树,桔子树和梨树。
There were approximately fifty people there. 那儿大约有五十个人。
There were at least fifty-two musicians in the family of Johann Sebastian Bach. 约翰?赛巴斯蒂安?巴赫家族中,至少有52位音乐家。
There were at least three kinds of form at that time: one style only adopts the hexagrams; one style is exhibited as a practical divinatory book; and another is manifested as a classic text. 至少形成了三种使用周易的方式,即“只用易卦”的方式、“实用筮书”的方式以及“经典文本”的方式。
There were bad days,but it was a pleasant summer,by and large. 虽然天有些天天气不好,但总的来说还是一个愉快的夏天。
There were black spots all over it. 这上面到处是黑点。
There were books, clothing and photographs, tighter with letters, which the seaman had once received from his wife. 有书、衣物和照片,同时还有他妻子写给他的信件。
There were books, clothing and photographs, together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife. 其中有书箱、衣服、照片以及水手收到的妻子的来信。

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