On the corner of 130 something and Amsterdam was a combination Pharmacy and Soda Fountain store. Mister owned it.
130号街和阿姆斯特丹街的拐角有一家综合药房兼冷饮店,老板是先生。 |
On the couplet, Mr Bao wrote: Eternal remembrance to Ziyang.
鲍彤在挽联上写著「永远怀念紫阳」。 |
On the course she received a thorough training in every aspect of the job.
在训练班上,她接受了有关这个工作各方面的全面训练。 |
On the cover of the enormous September issue of Vogue, smack in the center of scarlet Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche dress, there sits a vintage Fred Leighton diamond-and-pearl brooch.
在?时尚?杂志的九月刊的巨大封面上,在一件鲜红的伊夫.圣洛朗“左岸”女装的中央,别了一枚老式的弗雷德.雷顿钻石珍珠胸针。 |
On the credit side, fines on cartels are running at record levels—last month, the commission imposed its largest-ever penalty (on lift-makers, for rigging the market).
从优势方面来看,对卡特尔(即垄断)开出的罚款金额达到了创纪录的水平——上个月,欧盟委员会开出了有史以来最大的一张罚单(这是对电梯制造商做出的)。 |
On the crest of a wave?
处在风尖浪头? |
On the current structure of the statements made some improvements to make it more accurate disclosure of derivative financial products related to the accounting information facilitate all aspects of decision-making needs.
就当前的报表结构提出了一些改进意见使其能更准确的披露与衍生金融工具有关的会计信息,便于各报表使用人决策的需要。 |
On the cyberspace, people needn't consider his own social status, family background, incomes, religious beliefs, ethnics; and just exchange their own opinions and views on issues which they happened to interest, thus produce no psychological burdens to bo
而在网络空间,人们完全可以不考虑自己的社会地位、家庭背景、经济收入、宗教信仰、种族肤色等现实社会无法回避的矛盾,进行一些相对单纯的、非功利性质的精神交流,也可以就共同感兴趣的问题发表自己的见解和看法,交流双方不会产生心理上的负担。 |
On the damp land, I guide verse and the object of Ai Hao.
在潮湿的土地上,我引领诗歌和哀嗥的物体。 |
On the day before our departure, several bus loads of tourists descended on the town.
在我们离开那里的前一天,好几公共汽车的旅游者光临这个小镇。 |
On the day before our departure, several bus loads of tourists descended on the town.
我们离开小镇的前一天,镇上来了几辆满载游客的公共汽车。 |