Shally and her boyfriend`s blind date was at a party.
莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。 |
Shally meet her boyfriend on a party for the first time.
莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。 |
Shally met her boy friend for the 1st time from a patty.
莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。 |
Shally met her boyfriend on a party for the first time.
莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。 |
Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up to attack Hoshea, who had been Shalmaneser's vassal and had paid him tribute.
3亚述王撒缦以色上来攻击何细亚,何细亚就服事他,给他进贡。 |
Shaly met her boyfriend at a party for the first time.
莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。 |
Sham is sham and the mask must be stripped off.
假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去。 |
Shaman: Earthbind Totem will now immobilize all Rogues in the same zone.
萨满:地缚图腾将对所有该地图内的盗贼起定身作用. |
Shamans can choose to be in one of four spirit bonds at any time.
萨满任何时候都能够选择4种灵魂印记中的一种。 |
Shamans can wear medium armor and can use one-handed blunt weapons, two handed piercing weapons, and shields.
萨满能装备中甲并可使用单手钝器,双手穿刺武器和盾牌。 |
Shamans – Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow. One of the upgrades, when engaged in hand-to-hand combat will curse (Slow, Weakness, Curse, Disrupting ray) the opponent.
人类和魅魔的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。其中一种升级在近身战时会诅咒敌手(减速,虚弱,诅咒和瓦解)。 |