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Abstract: Concentration Polarization and fouling of membrane are the key problen which has effected in widening use of microfiltration.Based on understanding on the flux decline and lateral migration deposition of porticles in tubular membrane ,Some analy

Abstract: Comparative study on physiological traits of drought r esistance for go od quality bread wheat cultivar Yanyou 361 was performed under dryland condition . 文摘:对优质冬小麦品种烟优361在旱地条件下的抗旱生理特性进行了比较研究。
Abstract: Compared the accuracy of the digital terain models enlarged form the air photographs kept in stock, pointed out the reliability and frugality of the computerizing optimum choosing route in surveying and designing the expressway, and proved the f 文摘:比较了利用现成航摄像片以小放大数字化成图的精度,并指出了其在高速公路勘测设计中计算机优化选线的可靠性及经济性;同时也论证了两步选择最优化线路的可行性及其对高速公路建设投资的影响和决策。
Abstract: Compared with the normal technique the paper introduces many advantages of the laser quenching the ductile iron crankshaft. 文摘:介绍了激光淬火球铁曲轴与常规的曲轴表面处理方法相比有许多优点,提出了一种激光淬火球铁曲轴圆角部分扫描的新方法。
Abstract: Comparision is made between the characteristics of recovered WCand conventional WC by clectronic probe detection.In view of perfect crystal lization,less defect in the crystal and sufficient compound carbon,cemented carbide superior to conventio 文摘:用电子探针检测手段对比了回收碳化钨和一般碳化钨的不同特性,从回收碳化钨具有结晶完整、晶内缺陷少、化合碳充足等优良性能出发,用工艺优化手段弥补回收碳化钨氧含量高、夹杂物多等缺点,试制出了性能优于用一般碳化钨生产的硬质合金。
Abstract: Comparison and study of the biotic characters in the Jinggu and Longchuan basins in Yunnan Province show that: (1)the two basins underwent the developing period, expanding period and shrinking period from early Miocene Epoch to Pliocene Epoch; ( 文摘:通过对云南景谷盆地及陇川盆地新生代生物群特征的对比,探讨了新生代两大盆地环境演变:早中新世到上新世为湖盆发展期→湖盆扩大→萎缩期,气候为早期的千燥→中新世早期的温暖湿润→中新世中晚期的寒冷阴湿→上新世的干燥,而中新世中晚期湖盆的扩大形成的半深湖-深湖环境为油气的形成提供了有利条件。
Abstract: Concentration Polarization and fouling of membrane are the key problen which has effected in widening use of microfiltration.Based on understanding on the flux decline and lateral migration deposition of porticles in tubular membrane ,Some analy 文摘:浓差极化和膜污染是阻碍微滤广泛应用的关键难题,在认识理解颗粒迁移沉积和过滤速率下降的基础上,本文对旋转流管式膜微滤进行了一定的探讨分析。
Abstract: Confronted with the fact that Chinese industrial consumable export always fails to bid a good price, the author makes a thorough analysis on its ideological foundation and the malpractice of the system with regard to the development course and t 摘要:针对中国工业消费品出口卖不出好价的现象,从中国社会的发展历史和传统思想入手,深入分析了造成这种现象的思想根源和体制弊端,并提出:垂直体制和横向体制应当求同存异,取长补短。
Abstract: Connected with the practical project,the paper tries to discussthe problem of anchor bolt setting in large-scale power equipment's foundation such as fan and electromotor used in removing dust project,analyzes the feasibility of a new grouting m 文摘:结合实际工程,讨论了在除尘工程中风机、电机等大型动力设备基础地脚螺栓埋设的问题,分析了一种新型的预留孔灌浆方法的可行性,并提出了其在其它工程中的推广价值。
Abstract: Connecting with actual conditions of Datong City,this paper advances the overall thinking and arrangement,discusses in detail the major direction of Datong's agricultural structure adjustment,and puts forward some concrete suggestions about how 文摘:结合大同市实际,提出了全市农业结构调整的总体思路和整体布局,并就全市农业结构调整的重要方向进行了详细论述,对如何实现全市农业结构调整目标提出了包括科技、市场6个方面的具体建议。
Abstract: Connecting with example this paper introduces the rational application of bypass pressure fixing and secondary pumping system in air conditioning's cooling water system of tall buildings. 文摘:本文结合实例介绍了旁通定压和二级泵系统在高层建筑空调冷水系统中的合理应用。该技术节约了设备初投资和运行费用,使系统的运行曲线和设计水压线相吻合。
Abstract: Considering inflows as random variables,the stochastic dynamic programming (SDP ) is considered as the best method for solving the optimal scheduling problem fo r multiple reservoir system.But the so-called “curse of dimensionality” and h uge co 文摘:与确定型优化调度将入流作为已知系列相比,随机动态规划将入流描述为随机变量,则更具合理性,因此该法是目前求解多库优化调度的最好方法.由于入流的随机描述,极大地增加了计算量,从而经常导致“维数灾”问题,故而又限制了该法在实际中的应用.本文以黄河上游5个梯级水电站群为例,应用随机优化调度方法研究其兴利优化调度问题,通过合理的入流描述,有效地避免了“维数灾”问题.

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