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I've seen it over and over again.

I've secured us two front seats for the show. 我为我们弄到了两个前排座位,观看表演。
I've seen a lot of people make this mistake. 我看见有许多人犯这方面的错误。
I've seen her so-called paintings; they're fairly grim, I can tell you! 我看见过她那所谓的画;一点儿都不好,真的!
I've seen here perform on television, but never in the flesh. 我在电视上看过她的表演,但从未见过她本人。
I've seen him several times on television. 我已经在电视上看到他好几次了。
I've seen it over and over again. 我已经见过了一遍又一遍。
I've seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她.
I've seen nothing, I should have stayed at home and found out what was really going on. 我什么也没有看到。我本应该待在家里,看看到底发生了什么。
I've seen pictures of him. 我见过他的照片。
I've seen some computer programs that attempt to do similar things, but one completely loses the tactile feeling associated with books. 我见过一些计算机软件尝试着做类似的事情,但完全丧失了书籍的感觉。
I've seen some pieces like this(both official Dao and civilian Dao).Maybe the welding between soleplate of head and foreside has fallen.Maybe in the year from Yuan dynasty to early Qing dynasty. 也见过几例这样装的(官刀民造都有),可能是刀首底板与前部开焊丢失,老配的.典型制式刀,元至清早都有可能.

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