Untitled1.java: Package E:\WorkLib\untitled2 rc\untitled2\Untitled1.java stated in source unnamed package does not match directory E:\WorkLib\untitled2 rc\untitled2\Untitled1.java.
第二个问题你的回答“第一种方法适用于在关闭所有工程后修改所有以后新建工程的格式、以前的不作更改。” |
Up to now, having a big second leg at Anfield has been an advantage to us.
“他想干吗都可以,只有他自己知道,”阿隆索继续说,“我们则把注意力放在球场上发生的一切。 |
Upon a high and lofty mountain You have made your bed. You also went up there to offer sacrifice.
赛57:7你在高而又高的山上安设床榻、也上那里去献祭。 |
Upon my word I cannot exactly explain the matter; Darcy must speak for himself.
“老实说,我也解释不清楚;那得由达西自己来说明。” |
Urea (carbamide)One of the simplest organic compounds and the first synthesized from inorganic raw materials (see inorganic compound), by Friedrich W?hler (1800-82) in 1828.
尿素(亦称碳醯胺):最简单的有机化合物之一。1828年由德国化学家维勒(1800~1882),第一个从无机材料合成的。 |
Use my truck to build your boat.
这样,你便可以快乐地扬帆出海了。 |
Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.
“用我的树干做一条船吧,这样你就可以远航,祝你快乐”。 |
Use my trunk to build your boat.the tree said.you can sail far away and be happy.
“砍下我的树杆去造条船吧!”树说。“这样你就可以远航......你就会快乐。” |
Use the poison,she yells. The noose doesn't work.
她大叫:“绳子没用了,用这包毒药。” |
Used to be that we were surrounded by this beautiful forest...
“过去这个小镇的周围到处都是一望无垠的美丽森林...” |
Using ATMs is impersonal and lacks communication,said a spokesman for the bank which is based in Gifu prefecture, central Japan. We wanted to add some fun.
大垣共立银行坐落在日本中部的岐阜市,该银行的一名发言人表示:“使用自动取款机是非个人且缺乏交流的行为,我们希望为顾客增加些乐趣。” |