This VB code will create the spiral of Archimedes according to various settings (StepInterval, Incremental, Base, MaxOrbits &Zoom).
这段VB代码可以根据各种设置(步长,增量,基值,最大值,缩放比例)来绘制阿基米德螺旋线。 |
This VCD can be returned for repair under warranty.
VCD在保修期间可以退回维修。 |
This VCD introduces the seven basic ways to make Chinese knots.
本片介绍最基本的七种中国结编结方法。 |
This Virtual Machine has a virtual program used to check the password entered.
此虚拟机包括一个虚拟程序来校验输入的密码。 |
This WATTS/FLIPPEN FLOAT VALVE product guide features high quality, reliable control assemblies and components that provide make up water for pressure washers, cooling towers, heat transfer units, cattle watering tanks, refrigeration units, and for many o
这种美国瓦茨/FLIPPEN浮球阀的特点在于其优质、控制可靠的部件,为压力清洗装置,冷却塔,热传送装置,牲畜水塔,冷冻装置,以及其他各种要求浮球阀的应用提供补给水。 |
This Wall has been exposed to a lot of weather.
这段城墙是历尽沧桑的了。 |
This Web Site may provide links to other web sites that are not under the control of FanE.cn .
本网站可以提供与不在翻译中国控制之下的其他网站的链接。 |
This Web Site may provide links to other web sites that are not under the control of FanE『TransChina』 .
本网站可以提供与不在翻译中国控制之下的其他网站的链接。 |
This Web connection, along with an onboard camera, enables it to be used as an in-home monitoring device or a tool for checking on kids remotely.
这种网络连接和随身携带的摄影机使它可以被用作家内的监控装置或者从远处检查孩子的工具。 |
This Web project lacks a clear sense of purpose or central theme. The text may be repetitious, or may read like a collection of disconnected, random thoughts.
这个网页专题研究计划缺少清楚的目的意识或中心主题,文字可能重复,或是读起来像是一团杂乱无章的思想。 |
This Web site shall not be considered a solicitation for or offering of any investment product or service to any person in any jurisdiction where such solicitation or offering would be illegal.
在一些境外法律管辖範围认为诱导或提供任何投资产品或服务给任何人是违法的,这个网站则不能认为是在此区域诱导业务或提供任何投资产品或服务。 |