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The drivers never stop in front of pedestrians, they constantly honk.

The driver's certificate was suspended by the police. 这个司机的驾驶执照被警察吊销了。
The driver's helmet is leashed to his left shoulder because the weight of head and helmet becomes too great in the corners. 车手的头盔系在左肩上,因为在拐弯时头和头盔的重量会变得过大。
The driver's instinct is to stretch out his legs to brace for the impact but they BREAK at the knee joints. 这时司机出于本能伸直双腿支撑(减轻前进的势头),但双腿在膝关节处断裂。
The driver's reckelessness accounted for the traffic accident. 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽.
The driver-mechanic steered the tank with the aid of a detachable steering wheel. 驾驶员—机械工通过可拆卸的方向盘来操控坦克。
The drivers never stop in front of pedestrians, they constantly honk. 司机从来不在行人前面停车,只是按喇叭。
The drivers on the other hand never chek their mirrors or look back. 司机从来不看后视镜或向后看。
The driveway or the hedge or the fence between you is not really a cold shoulder, but it is a clear boundary. We all like clearly defined boundaries for ourselves. 邻里之间的车道、树篱或栅栏其实不是冷漠的表示,而是一道明确的边界而已。一般人都喜欢界线分明。
The driving characteristics and control principle of rare earth magnet motor with variable flux and the principle of two speed transmission by wire are studied, and the motor and transmission are designed and integrated into the driving system. 对新型稀土变磁通电机的驱动特性及其控制原理、线控两挡变速器原理进行了研究,并进行了一体化设计。
The driving force behind all this has been an unusually benign economic climate. 难得的良好经济形势一直是这背后的驱动力量。
The driving force of corporation diversification strategy is studied in this paper. 摘要对企业多元化战略趋向的关系进行了研究,分析了企业实行多元化的动因。

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