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Flame Retardant Polymer, Polyurethane (PU), Polycarbonate, Epoxy, Polyester, Polyimide (PI), Polyamide (PA), Poly (amide-imide) (PAI), Functional coating and Adhesive.

Flake zinc powder and the index of flake zinc powder were introduced. 简要介绍了重防腐涂料的应用和特点。
Flaked and broken rock littered the floor, and the air smelled of dust and crumbling stone. 地板上满是丢得乱七八糟的石头,空气中也弥漫着尘土和碎石的味道。
Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan. 一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。
Flamboyant aromas of dried pineapple combined with fresh apricots and honey in this rich, unctuous wine that's incredibly sweet yet not cloying, thanks to vibrant acidity. 此酒香气馥郁,蕴含菠萝干与清新的杏子、蜂蜜芬芳。酒体丰腴而醇郁。口味十分甜润,与精致的果酸交相辉映,恰倒好处。因为冰酒高糖度的原因,所以欧美人常用为餐后点心酒.
Flame Arrester is divided into two types:Pipe Flame arrester and oil tanker flame arrester.It can be fixed at the pipe end or on the tanker separately.Besides it can be matched with the breathing valve. 阻火器有管道阻火器和油罐阻火器两种类型,分别安装于管道末端上或贮罐上,也可以与呼吸阀配用。
Flame Retardant Polymer, Polyurethane (PU), Polycarbonate, Epoxy, Polyester, Polyimide (PI), Polyamide (PA), Poly (amide-imide) (PAI), Functional coating and Adhesive. 耐燃树脂,聚胺基甲酸酯树脂(PU树脂),聚碳酸酯,环氧树脂,聚酯树脂,聚醯亚胺(PI),聚醯胺(PA),聚(醯胺-醯亚胺)(PAI),机能性特殊涂料及特殊黏著剂。
Flame Strike - Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time. 火焰冲击-施放一个火柱攻击目标区域的地面单位一定时间.
Flame rectification: Flame rectification is using plasticity rectification of some parts which is caused by heating of flame to make the metal contraction after cooling, by which the purpose of recitification can be achieved. 火焰加热矫正法:火焰加热矫正法是利用火焰局部加热时产生的塑性变形,使较长的金属在冷却后收缩,以达到矫正的目的。
Flame red,multi_petalled;green petals in centre from ovaries,flowers inclining to one side,vigorous. 火红色,台阁型。子房翠绿花瓣,花蕾绽口型,花朵侧开。株型半开张,生长势强。
Flame retarding performance and mechanism of polymer/layer silicate nanocomposites and the way of modifying montmorillonite were introduced. 摘要综述了国内外近年来对蒙脱土的有机改性、聚合物/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料的阻燃性能及其机理研究动向。
Flames and smoke shot out of two floors of the building and debris rained down. 大火及浓烟从建筑物的两层楼中涌出,残骸碎片坠如雨下。

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