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British rock band Cream performs their farewell concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

British researchers found that children who had lived within 200 metres of high voltage cables at birth faced a 69-percent higher risk of childhood leukaemia. 英国研究人员发现,自出生以来居住在距高压电线二百公尺以内的儿童,罹患儿童白血症的机率高出69%。
British researchers have found the solution to the age-old riddle of why many women live longer than men. It's their pumping power. 英国研究者们终于解开了长期以来困惑人类的难解之谜:为何多数女性比男性长寿.原因就是她们心脏的供血动力.
British retailer Woolworths has produced 100,000 commemorative souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if William and Middleton get engaged. 英国杂货零售商伍尔沃思公司已提前为两人的订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品,以便在婚约宣布后的第一时间上架销售。
British retailer Woolworths has produced 100,000 souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged. 日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔沃思公司未雨绸缪,提前为英国王位第二继承人威廉王子和其女友凯特·米德尔顿的订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品,以便在婚约宣布后的第一时间上架销售。
British retailer Woolworths has produced 100,000 souvenirs ready to be distributed* to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged. 日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔沃思公司未雨绸缪,提前为英国王位第二继承人威廉王子和其女友凯特·米德尔顿的订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品,以便在婚约宣布后的第一时间上架销售。
British rock band Cream performs their farewell concert at the Royal Albert Hall. 1968年,不列颠摇滚乐队奶油在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行了他们的告别音乐会。
British scientists have found out why it's hard to tickle yourself. 英国科学家终于发现人们胳肢自己不觉得痒的秘密了.
British singer noted for his comic stage persona, a wry and nostalgic Highlander. 劳德,哈里·麦克伦南1870-1950美国歌唱家,以讽刺怀旧的苏格兰高地人的喜剧舞台形象而著名
British spy masters were last night convinced the poisoner sneaked into Britain for the hit and is now back in Moscow. 昨夜,英国间谍军官确信投毒者为了这次行动而潜入英国,现在已回到俄罗斯。
British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students. 英国学生做家庭作业花的时间比中国学生少。
British swimmer Matthew Webb was the first documented person to swim across the English Channel . 英藉泳将马修韦伯是首位有纪录游过英吉利海峡的人。

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