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It's hailing outside.

It's great to see a lot of friends from the youth team again and being South American myself, I've stuck up a good friendship with Zalayeta and Olivera. 能见到这么多的以前青年队队友和南美老乡对我来说真的太棒拉,我已经和撒拉耶塔及奥利维拉建立了相当棒的友谊。
It's great to sleep away the New Year's holidays, but I always gain weight. 过新年睡大觉不错,可就是会发胖.
It's great, really - not a fly will go by unnoticed! 这真的太好了,连只苍蝇也飞不进来!
It's green,come upstairs and see it. 绿色的,来,我带你到楼上看看.
It's grotesque to expect a person of her experience to work for such little money. 想让她那样有经验的人为这点钱工作真是可笑。
It's hailing outside. 外面在下冰雹。
It's handmade and the inlaid designs are etched in. 它完全手工制造,而且雕刻部分设计是采用蚀镂法刻入。
It's hard for him to lead a living with that slender wage. 靠那样微薄的一份工资他难以维持生活.
It's hard for him to take hold in the strange place. 他要立足于这个陌生的地方是很艰难的。
It's hard for me to admit I'm wrong. 对我来说,承认自己错了是很困难的。
It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. 但别人很难去接近你,话虽如此,你很容易投入一段感情。

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