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This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound.

This board is related to all Ball-jointed doll such as SD, AI. Please feel free to chat about your sons and daughter or any market issues. 此区域是讨论有关任何的关节球体人形例如SD,AI.讨论一下您们的仔仔女女,或任何的市场动态吧.
This board will introduce each of the current families under a different topic; it will consist of the family's synopsis and the gathering times and locations. 本版面将各别介绍每一个家族的聚会性质和初步计划,并刊登所有家族的聚会地点和时间。
This boat has white sails. 这条小船的帆是白色的。
This boat was destroied partly in the storm. 这条船在风暴中部份被毁.
This boat was partly destroyed in the storm. 这条船在风暴中部份被毁.
This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound. 为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。
This bolsters my current thinking that leaders in the future will have to balance their intelligence quotient (IQ) with a stronger emotional intelligence (EI) in order to be more effective when it comes to change. 这个结论让我确定一件事,就是未来领导者必须设法在他们的IQ与EI之间取得平衡,才能更有效的领导改变。
This bolsters the donors' own balance sheets and also strengthens their case whenever they must convince sceptical finance ministries and taxpayers that their largesse does yield results. 同时也能稳定捐献人自己的资产负债表,并巩固了他们的方案,如果需要这些案例来说服那些怀疑他们的慷慨会牟利的一些财务部门和纳税人。
This bond has allowed him to pull off the remarkable trick of posing as the leader of the opposition to his own incompetent government. 他与民众的这种关系也使他能够如意地让反对党领袖取代其无能政府的天衣无缝的计划付之东流。
This bonus increases to +4 at 4th level. 该加值在第四级变为+4。
This bonus stacks with other mental hardness bonuses due to the Psychic Bastion feat or through psionic defense modes. 该加值和来自“心力堡垒”或心灵防御模式的其他精神硬度加值累加。

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