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After trail-blazing its way into the charts, Fahrenheit now wants to conquer you hearts!

After topical application of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte plasma levels of MPS are Iow and no influence on blood coagulation can be determined. 外用喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥软膏后,MPS血浆水平很低并且不影响凝血系统。
After topping Texas, 4-3, in the afternoon and 5-2 in the nightcap at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, maybe things are really starting to look up for the Yankees. 在下午以四比三,晚上以五比二在阿灵顿游骑兵主场打败游骑兵,也许好事开始找上洋基了。
After tossing and turning all night.I awake before dawn to the clatter of something pelting the window. 彻夜辗转反侧,黎明前我在窗户的卡嗒声中醒来。
After touching 143, the price (ie of shares on the stock-market) fell back to 108 by the close of trading. 股票价格攀上143点後, 收市时回落到108点.
After tracking 957 litters from 353 sows, the scientists discovered that sows in the hoop barns gave birth to more live pigs per litter than those in gestation stalls. 通过对353头母猪957窝猪的跟踪,研究者发现,大群饲养的母猪窝产活仔数更多。
After trail-blazing its way into the charts, Fahrenheit now wants to conquer you hearts! 经过一路杀上排行榜,飞轮海现在要征服你的心!
After transfering to the canoes you paddle through the mangrove forest to get a close up view of this unique eco-system. 在登上独木舟后,划动您手中的船桨,经过红树林,您就能让自己置身于此独特的生态环境中。
After transferring to the SJU's program, the transferred students will enroll as full-time students throughout their period of study at SJU and graduate with SJU's Degree of Master of Science in Financial Services. 圣约瑟大学将承认三门课程的9个学分,因此,学生可以在美国完成馀下的课程,达到毕业要求后,获得由圣约瑟大学授予的理学硕士财经专业的学位。
After transforming his public image and becoming England's most feared marksman over the past eight months, Didier Drogba has revealed he is keen to end his career at Chelsea. 在最近的八个月中,德罗巴成为了英超中最致命的杀手,这也使他在大众心目中的形象发生可彻底的转变。目前他已经透露了想在切尔西结束职业生涯的愿望。
After transient state process (earthquake, etc) having occurred, present-day crustal movement (the changing process with time, the space distribution and the structure of spectrum) will return to stable steady state (dynamic balancing state)voluntarily. 在地震等暂态过程发生后,现今地壳运动(时变过程、空间分布、频谱结构)仍将自动回归到“稳定态(动平衡态)”。
After traveling to Switzerland for a much-needed rest, Semmes returned to the Confederacy via Mexico. 在瑞士经过必要的修整后,希姆斯经由墨西哥回到南方联邦。

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