Still, non-relativistic quantum mechanics is also used due to its simplicity and when relativistic effects are relatively small. |
中文意思: 尽管如此,也使用非相对性量子力学,由于其简单而当相对论作用相对小时候。 |
Still, many pirate attacks go unreported each year.
但每年仍然有许多海盗袭击事件未被报道。 |
Still, many small family-run dairy farms have failed in recent years.
尽管如此,近年来还是有很多家庭经营的小型牛奶场破产倒闭。 |
Still, most Afars remain illiterate, with little access to clean water or to medicine.
但绝大多数阿法斯人仍是文盲,缺乏清洁的饮用水和药品。 |
Still, my mouth refused to make a sound.
我的嘴巴仍是一声也发不出。 |
Still, no sound would come to his throat, though there was an emerging desire to explain to this bothersome young man why exactly he was here.
维玛想把自己从沙地里拔出来——靠他手和膝盖,他的喉咙还是发不出任何声音,尽管他越来越想跟这罗嗦的家伙解释一番他现在究竟在哪儿,这对他有好处,哈! |
Still, non-relativistic quantum mechanics is also used due to its simplicity and when relativistic effects are relatively small.
尽管如此,也使用非相对性量子力学,由于其简单而当相对论作用相对小时候。 |
Still, none of that is enough.
仅这样是不够的。 |
Still, not a lot is known about Middleton.
但对密道顿所知有限。 |
Still, not many books of literary criticism make you laugh.
尽管如此,能让您开口一笑的文学评论书籍实在不多。 |
Still, one thing is clear: speaking a language well needs both fluency and accuracy.
然而,有一点是明确的,即说好一门语言既要流利又要准确。 |
Still, only 2% of Londoners cycle to work, compared with 20% in Copenhagen and 28% in Amsterdam. London Mayor Ken Livingstone, a bicycle enthusiast, wants to increase cycling 80% by 2010.
但是,仍然只有2%的伦敦人每天骑车上下班,这个数字在哥本哈根是20%,在阿姆斯特丹是28%。伦敦市长肯·里温斯通也是一名自行车运动的爱好者,他希望到2010年骑自行车的比率可以增加80%。 |