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Ronaldo's evening was summed up neatly soon after the break when he inexplicably gave the ball straight to Kaka in midfield, who once again charged at Vidic.

Ronaldo is on the verge of leaving Real Madrid after agreeing financial terms with Milan, according to reports in Italy. 意大利媒体报道,罗纳尔多已经和米兰达成一致,他留在皇马的日子指日可待了。
Ronaldo picked up an ankle knock in Manchester United's 1-0 Barclays Premiership win at Blackburn Rovers but Ferguson said it was for the player to decide whether to face Kazakhstan. 周末曼联1-0击败布莱克本的比赛中罗纳尔多脚踝受伤,但是福格森爵士说是否帮助国家队挑战哈萨克斯坦的决定权在球员。
Ronaldo pledges to end his career at Milan and become “Number One” again, bring Ronaldinho and break bread with Massimo Moratti. 罗纳尔多发誓要在米兰打工到底,重新成为“一哥”,拉小罗入伙以及和莫拉蒂一起掰面包。
Ronaldo pulled a hamstring kicking a ball in training, Inzaghi is nursing a sore left thigh and Gila is still recovering from knee surgery. 罗尼训练踢球时拉伤了腿,皮波还在进行左腿护理,桃子进行了膝盖的半月板手术正在恢复中。
Ronaldo scored twice for Portugal in Saturday's 3-0 win over Azerbaijan and wants to help his side to another triumph over Poland on Wednesday. 周末3-0击败阿塞拜疆的比赛中罗纳尔多梅开二度,他希望帮助自己的球队周三在波兰身上再拿3分。
Ronaldo's evening was summed up neatly soon after the break when he inexplicably gave the ball straight to Kaka in midfield, who once again charged at Vidic. 罗纳尔多噩梦般的夜晚在中场休息后继续,他在中场不可思议地把球送给卡卡,后者再次直面维迪奇。
Ronaldo, who was influential in Portugal claiming fourth place in the World Cup finals in Germany, is due back in Manchester on 24 July to begin pre-season training. 协助葡萄牙在德国世界杯中取得第四名的小小罗将在7月24日回到曼彻斯特开始季前训练。
Ronaldo: He\'s not a pariah, he\'s a very gifted boy. 他不是一个“贱小孩”,他是一个天赋十足的男孩。
Ronan also won awards for Best Male Solo Artist and Best Dressed Male at last year's Smash Hits Poll Winners Party in London. 罗南在去年伦敦观众投票选出的优秀歌曲获奖者晚会上,赢得最佳男歌手奖和最佳男艺人着装奖。
Ronan left work early to audition (4). 罗南提前下班赶去试音。
Ronda is the birthplace of modern bullfighting. 朗达是现代西班牙斗牛场的发源地。

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