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Clock and calendar ensure that, indeed, I am “man of my time.

Clive Tyldesley and his stooge are scandalised by what they imagine to have been a deliberate dive. 克里夫·泰德斯利和他的搭档对他们所认为的假摔极其愤慨。
Clive and carol chase around a lot together. 克莱夫和卡罗尔两人交往甚密。
Clive is a clever swindler, but the police will catch him napping sooner or later. 克莱夫是个有技巧的骗子,但警察迟早会出其意地抓住他的。
Clochette: Perhaps we should secure some magical talent? 或者我们应该需要找另一位魔法能力者。
Clock Tower,located in Haikou Children's Park, has a charming scenery with its inverted image in the green water.The old Tower and the Park set off and compensate each other,calm and active,primitive and novel,solemn and vivid, forming a contrast and bala 钟楼坐落在海口儿童公园里,碧溪倒影,景色迷人,古钟楼与儿童公园相互映衬,静与动,古朴与新鲜,庄重与活泼,有声有色的对比与统一,引人进入美妙的意境。
Clock and calendar ensure that, indeed, I am “man of my time. 日期和时间确认了这点,我确实是时间之人。
Clock application that shows the time in decimal and binary time. 这是一个闹钟程序,以十进制和二进制显示时间。
Clock frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz might be achievable, but don't look for gigahertz-rated organic chips anytime soon. 或许可以做到几十万赫兹的时脉,但在短期内别想要有10亿赫兹等级的有机晶片。
Clock time is an absolute time. 时钟时间是绝对时间。
Clocking effect has great potential in improving the efficiency of turbomachinery. 摘要时序效应具有改进多级叶轮机效率的潜力。
Clocks will be one of Britain's weapons against problem gambling when it liberalizes the sector, allowing a new wave of large Las Vegas-style casinos across the country, the government said last Thursday(Mar.09,2006). 英国政府上周四表示,在放开对赌博业限制,允许在全国范围新开一些拉斯韦加斯式大赌场的同时,在赌场内挂放钟表将成为预防问题赌博的手段之一。

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