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A preparation from the leaves and seed capsules of the cannabis plant, smoked, chewed, eaten, or infused and drunk to obtain mild euphoria.

A preliminary study on the species composition, ecological characteristics and present distribution of vegetations in Mengyang area, the largest part of Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, shows that there are 7 vegetation types, 15 formations, 24 community typ 对西双版纳勐养自然保护区植被的类型进行了划分,包括人工和自然群落,共有7个大类、15个群系、24个群落类型分布.对每个类型的主要组成种类、生态特征和分布现状进行了初步研究.利用地理信息系统软件制取植被图并获得了各种植被类型的分布面积和分布格局特征,这一地区亚热带季风常绿阔叶林的分布面积和所占比例最大,达总面积的41.26%;而热带雨林面积不超过总面积的10%.依据地形、海拔、气候和现状植被分布的规律,在获得景观类型图的基础上,得到了可以反映这一地区在完全自然条件下植被可能分布的状况的还原植被图,为保护区的
A premeditated crime. 有预谋的犯罪
A premium executive search service powered by experienced consultants ,an extensive research team covering many cities ,and the largest candidate database ,Tailored projects and integrated recruitment to serve the specific needs lf our clients. 专业的猎人服务为企业招募高级管理人才和技术人才提供专业服务,凭借医药营销管理顾问丰富的医药行业管理经验和专业技巧,加上强大的《中国医药人》俱乐部人才库和分布各地的营销队伍,为客户提供适用、快捷和个性化的服务。
A premium of 2 per cent is paid on long-term investments. 对投资期限较长者可获百分之二的奖励.
A preoccupation and/or living environment that allows for exposure to the sun is therefore useful to ascension. 允许日光浴的职业与/或生存环境因此对提升有益。
A preparation from the leaves and seed capsules of the cannabis plant, smoked, chewed, eaten, or infused and drunk to obtain mild euphoria. 印度大麻从大麻植物的树叶和种囊中提取的一种制剂,通过吸烟、嚼咀、吞食或注射以得到适度精神快感
A preparation in the form of a liquid or cream that is used to remove unwanted hair from the body. 脱发剂用于除去身体上不想要的毛发的液状或奶油状物质
A preparation of plaster of Paris and glue used as a base for low relief or as a surface for painting. 熟石膏粉供绘画或作浅层浮雕表面用的混有胶水的熟石膏制剂
A preparatory action or measure. 准备预防性行动或措施
A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall,blond and Midwestern-looking. 一个很吸引人的表演者和一个漂亮的男中音,莫利高大、金发碧眼,有着中西部人的外貌。
A preprocessing token is the minimal lexical element of the language in translation phases 3 through 6. 预处理标记是语言从第3到第6阶段中最小的词法元素。

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