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B: And half the time it was rainy.

B: All told, about a thousand dollars. 整个来说,大约一千美元。
B: Alright, but it will have to wait until this weekend. I just can't tear myself away from work right now. 好的,但得等到这个周末,眼下我实在没法从工作中脱身。
B: And I got it on sale. 我在大减价时买的。
B: And I'm glad to meet you, too. 很高兴终于与你见面了。B:我也很高兴见到你。
B: And by age old,she means, Showed up on the Internet like two years ago, at most. 她说的“古老”,意思是指“出现在因特网上顶多两年”。
B: And half the time it was rainy. 可是有一半时间都在下雨。
B: And one more question: do employees here have to go through a probation period? 还有一个问题:这里的员工有没有试用期?
B: And the bank will offer you loans for twenty years! 而且银行也会给你提供20年的贷款呢!
B: And there is the most important thing to remember: The best make-up of all is a smile, which only takes you a second to put on. 还有最最重要的一点要记住:最好的化妆是你脸上的微笑,只要花费一秒钟的时间就可以了。
B: And there's a good selection. Lots to choose from. 还有很大的选择余地。有很多的东西可以供挑选。
B: And those clothes were already dry. Now they\'re soaked! 而且那些衣服原本已经干了。现在又湿了!

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