Kayer, B. K. (1998). Uses and gratification of the World Wide Web: From couch potatto Web potato. The New Jersey Journal of Communication, 6(1), 21-40.
吴肇铭,(1995):《影响网站使用意向之因素研究—以入门网站为例》。中央大学信息管理研究所未出版博士论文。 |
Kayla insisted on hanging the retriever's red felt Christmas stocking each year, confident he'd someday come home.
这些年来,每到圣诞节时凯拉都会坚持把为那条猎犬准备的由红毡做成的圣诞袜挂起来,因为她坚信库乔终有一天会重返家园。 |
Kaylee Davidson was five months old when she received a new heart during a pioneering operation at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, in 1987.
1987年,凯莉·戴维森在泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的弗里曼医院接受了一次开创性的手术,植入了一颗新的心脏,当时她才五个月大。 |
Kazakhstan and China are united in the fight against national separatism, international terrorism and religious extremism
哈萨克斯坦和中国将联合起来与民族分裂分子,国际恐怖分子,和地区极端分子进行斗争。 |
Kazakhstan will host NATO's Steppe Eagle exercises in September.
哈萨克斯坦将会在九月份举办北约的“草原之鹰”演习。 |
Kazakhstan's health minister says a dead swan found on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the west of the country died of bird flu.
哈萨克斯坦卫生部长说,在哈萨克西部里海海边发现的一只死天鹅是死于禽流感。 |
Kazumi: Um-umm. I'm a student at Lewis and Clark.
克美:是的,我是路易士克拉克学校的学生。 |
Ke-Hsiang Liu said, 'lots of underground water is disappearing, where does the water come from?
刘克襄说,「大量流失的地下水,到底从何而来。 |
Ke: The argute reaction is needed.For example,when you face the interviewee ,you can't anticipate what he or ahe will say during the interviewing.
科:临场应变很重要。像是面对被采访者时,你无法预期他会说出什麽,所以机警的反应是必须的。 |
Keane is yet to tell United whether he will accept the club's invitation to bring a Celtic XI to Old Trafford for a match that would go a long way to determining whether the damage to his relationship with Ferguson is irreparable.
基恩还没有告诉曼联他是否接受俱乐部的邀请带着凯尔特人来到老特拉福德,这也取决于他和弗格森的关系是否真的破裂了。 |
Kearney touched on worker anxieties with his hints of a scheme by the rich to bring feudalism to the United States through the replacement of American workingmen with “coolies” who would neither expect nor receive a living wage or democratic rights.
克尔尼的言论无疑触发了工人的焦虑情绪,他的手段很高明,用的是暗示,让工人担心富人阶级将把封建主义制度引入美国,今后将不再雇用美国的工人阶级,而是雇用那些苦力,这些不懂得维护自己民主权利,甚至连维持生活的最起码工钱都不敢要的苦力。 |