Thousands of English words derive from Latin.
英语中有成千上万的词源自拉丁文. |
Thousands of French soldiers escaped, but at the cost of fifty thousand dead.
成千上万法国士兵得以逃脱,但却损失了5万人。 |
Thousands of German Harry Potter fans who could not wait for the latest JK Rowling epic to be published in their own language have translated the book in less than two days.
由于急切渴望JK·罗琳的《哈利·波特6》尽快出现德语版本,数千名德国哈利·波特迷们最近只用了不到两天的时间便将这本书译成了德文。 |
Thousands of German towns and cities made Hitler an honorary citizen during the Third Reich and many formally revoked the title when his regime collapsed after his suicide in 1945.
在希特勒执掌大权的所谓第3帝国时期,曾经有数千座德国城镇先后授予他当地荣誉居民称号,但在他于1945年畏罪自杀后大多数地方都宣布将那些称号予以取消。 |
Thousands of Indonesians will be relocated on Sumatra island after wild elephants repeatedly attacked their villages killing six people, officials said.
官员表示,在发生野生大象不断攻击村庄并造成6人死亡后,苏门答腊岛上数千名印尼人将被迫迁居。 |
Thousands of Irishmen volunteered to fight bravely and loyally for Briton throughout the conflict.
成千上万的爱尔兰人勇敢的、效忠英国的自愿参加整个冲突。 |
Thousands of Israelis staged a peace march in Tel Aviv demanding their government withdraw from Palestinian.
成千上万名以色列民众在特拉维夫举行和平游行,要求他们的政府撤离巴勒斯坦。 |
Thousands of Lebanese attended the funeral today of an anti-Syrian lawmaker whose assassination further rocked Lebanon's political order.
数以千计的黎巴嫩人今天暗杀更进一步摇动了黎巴嫩的政治次序的反叙利亚立法者参加了葬礼。 |
Thousands of Rotarians continue arriving each hour from some 130 countries for the capstone event of Rotary's 101st year, the 2006 RI Convention in Malm?, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark.
來自全球130国的扶輪社员每小时數千人陸续抵达扶輪的成立第101年的年度盛会──于瑞典马尔摩与丹麦哥本哈根举办的2006年国际扶輪年会。 |
Thousands of Russians are staging a somber demonstration in the nation's capital, protesting and mourning the victims of the school siege in the country's restive Caucasus region.
成千上百的俄罗斯人在首都举行沉痛的哀悼活动,以抗议并悼念高加索地区难以控制的学校围攻事件. |
Thousands of South Korean armed agents remain missing, either killed or perhaps – according to the armistice documents - still ★languishing[9] in North Korean prison camps.
仍有数千名韩国特工下落不明,他们或者已被杀害,或者——据停战委员会会谈记录显示——还在朝鲜监狱中忍受煎熬。 |