As everybody knows, the earth is round and goes round the sun.
众所周知,地球是圆的,它绕着太阳运行。 |
As everyone know, it's ‘The TV Ad. of Business streets' and play ads. continuously 24H. It has strong ambience authentically.
被誉为“商业街边的电视广告”,24小时不断播放广告,具有强大的宣传气氛。 |
As everyone knows, all that glitters is not gold.
大家都知道,发光的不都是金子。 |
As everyone knows, drug abuse is illegal.
如同每个人所知道的,滥用药物是违法的。 |
As everyone knows, in the 80s and 90s of last century, the Japan-American trade conflicts were constantly upgraded with the United States frequently waving the big stick of sanction to Japan and even criticizing Japan the alienof the capitalism, pressing
众所周知,上世纪八九十年代,日美贸易摩擦不断升级,美国对日本频频挥舞制裁大棒,直至指责日本为资本主义的异类,压其彻底改革经济体制。 |
As everyone knows, it once started a trend of classicism in the field of thought and culture and exerted influence on the whole society.
众所周知,它曾在当时的思想文化领域掀起一场复古主义思潮,其影响之深,甚至波及到了整个社会。 |
As everyone who read the Harry Potter books knows (and if you didn't I'm impressed you've read this far), some pure-blood wizards and witches are rather obsessed with staying pure.
正像每一个《哈利·波特》读者都知道的(如果你不知道的话我不知道你是怎么读的),许多纯血统巫师痴迷于保持他们血统的纯洁性。 |
As everything is now in order, we hope you will ship our order as early as possible.
我们感到要让我方用户接受延期交货是不可能的。 |
As evidenced by our polio eradication campaign, we are setting new standards of what volunteers can do.
如同由我们的根除小儿麻痹等疾病运动那样,我们设定义工能做到的新标准。 |
As examples,the oil temperature change and solidifying process were calculated by this method,and satisfactory results have been obtained.
采用保角变换和盒式积分法对数学模型进行了处理,并构造出问题的差分方程。 |
As exciting as these new impact tracers linked to the Great Dying have been, it would be misleading to suggest that fullerenes are the smoking gun for a giant impact.
这些新的撞击遗迹与二叠纪大灭绝有关,著实令人兴奋,但是我们不可以将富勒烯当作巨大陨石撞击地球的确凿证据。 |