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The preferred method is by oxyacetylene flame.

The preface of this diary recounted her life. 这本日记的前言叙述了她的生活。
The preface to Yishan's Collected Writings, written in Yuan Dynasty, exhibits cultural and national consciousness of the northern scholars; the preface to Writings in Ming Dynasty demonstrates the narrow orthodoxy and the historical consciousness in liter 元代遗山集序体现了北方士人的文化意识及民族意识;明代集序反映明人狭隘的正统观和文学评论中的史学意识;清人序言则折射出清代的思想政治背景及学术风气。
The prefect asked the students to keep quiet. 级长叫学生们保持安静。
The preference is so entrenched that by age five youngsters prefer playmates who not only speak the same language but do so with the same accent. 这种偏爱如此强烈以致于孩子长到五岁时更喜欢与语言相同而且口音也相同的玩伴玩。
The preferred manner to transport oil, gas and petroleum product is pipeline, while the most important work for operator to do is to maintain safe operation of pipeline. 摘要管道已成为输送石油、天然气和成品油的首选方式,而管道安全运行是管道运营管理的首要条件。
The preferred method is by oxyacetylene flame. 最好采用氧炔焰加热方法。
The preferred position for the 2300 is in a horizontal line with the spring chamber up. 2300首选位置是在水平管线上,弹簧隔膜朝上。
The preferred solution was a tubewell: a simple, hardy, hand-operated pump that sucks water, through a pipe, from a shallow underground aquifer. 较富裕的人可以自行负担费用,而许多较穷困的人家,只要透过非政府组织的简单贷款,也能够在自家庭院装起这种设备。
The prefixes change the magnitude of the unit by orders often from 10 18 to 10 -18. 字首通常按顺序从10的18次幂到10的-18次幂改变单位的量。
The pregnancy lasted 16 months and 15 days - which is normal - and then came along this whopper. Ouch. 露露的怀孕期持续了16个月零15天,这对于犀牛来说是很正常的,最后它终于产下小犀牛。
The pregnancy test was positive. 妊娠检查呈阳性。

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