One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright.
在任何一个演讲教室里,学生最主要的担心之一就是怕上台。 |
One of the major enabling technologies for constructing e-Commerce applications is the Object Web.
建构电子商务应用软体系统之主要关键技术之一为物件网路技术。 |
One of the major factors for law offences is a poor social environment as the external cause that may trigger off various forms of offences.
导致犯罪行为产生的一个重要因素是不良的社会环境。它可以引发很多犯罪,成为犯罪人实施犯罪的外因。 |
One of the major heart-related benefits of vegetarian eating is probably the low level of cholesterol-raising saturated fat in these diets, but this doesn't mean completely omitting meat from the diet is necessary for good health.
素食对心脏保健的主要好处之一,就是这些膳食中含有较低的升胆固醇饱和脂肪,但这不意味着人要保持健康,就必须完全不吃肉。 |
One of the major objectives of the U.S. civilian power program is to develop breeder types of reactors to make full use of the nuclear energy latent in both uranium and thorium.
美国民间能量计划的主要目标之一是开发增值反应堆来充分利用铀和钍中的潜在能量. |
One of the major schools of Buddhism, active in Japan, Korea, Nepal, Mongolia, and China, which teaches social concern and universal salvation.
大乘佛教佛教的主要流派之一,流传于日本、朝鲜、尼泊尔、蒙古和中国,教导人们关心社会和普渡众生。 |
One of the man insulted another, whereupon a fight broke out.
其中一个男人侮辱了另一个男人,于是他们就打了起来。 |
One of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling, according to John Money, professor emeritus of medical psychology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, is what he calls our lovemap-- a group of messages enc
根据曾在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学从事医学心理学和儿科学的名誉退休教授约翰·莫奈的研究,在影响我们择偶的诸多因素中,最说明问题的是一种被称为爱图的东西:它是我们大脑中的一组编码信息,记载着我们的爱憎。 |
One of the market leaders, Ray-Ban Sunglasses will impress and will last for many years.
作为市场领先者之一,“雷朋”太阳镜会给人留下深刻印象,数年之内不会破损。 |
One of the masterpieces in world literature produced by the great English romanticist poet Percy Bysshe Shelly.
世界文学的经典作品之一,由伟大的英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱创作。 |
One of the mechanisms involved is that some publishers' newsprint quota was more than their actual consumption levels, they therefore sold the difference in the market and made profits, such illegal behaviours then invite themselves to fall into a trap wh
然而新闻纸生产的管制,并非靠政府高压的威吓达成,而由国民党透过「保护主——侍从」关系,趋使台湾工业资本支持政府以「禁止进口、官营独卖、赚取外汇」作政策指导内涵。 |