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Individualism takes both negative liberty and the positive one as its prerequisite condition.

Individual user should have Static IP address. 个人用户需有固定IP地址。
Individual usually is as a proposer and maker of the inventions and discoveries. In our long history, there is filled with unnumbered such examples. 1个人通常是一个发明或发现的提出者。在历史长河中,有很多这样的例子。
Individual's achievement motivation, self-perceived work performance and collaboration at job, as well as the job's ranking and technical involvement were the significant variables in discriminating the choices of the careers. 研究结果显示台湾高科技从业者,多数选择组织内之技术与管理升迁路径;至于对升迁抱持无所谓态度,只要工作稳定就好者,亦有12.0%。
Individualism and holism are of the basic principles belonging to political and ideological education. 摘要个人主义和整体主义是伦理学和思想政治教育领域的两大基本原则,在一定意义上看,是对立的。
Individualism is the basic idea of value, moral rule and political theory of western neoteric and modern society. 摘要个人主义是西方近现代社会基本的价值观、道德原则和政治理念。
Individualism takes both negative liberty and the positive one as its prerequisite condition. 个人自主以消极自由和积极自由为其必要条件。
Individualism was unheard of a short 30-odd year ago during the tumultuous Cultural Revolution. 人们在三十多年前混乱的文化大革命时期没有听说过个人主义。
Individualism was unheard of a short 30-odd years ago during the tumultuous Cultural Revolution . 人们在三十多年前混乱的文化大革命时期没有听说过个人主义。
Individualism, pragmatism, and an anti-historical bent, combined with a watered-down theology, resulted in shallow Christianity and a multitude of new sects. 个人主义、实用主义、以及一个反历史的倾向,结合了一个被冲淡的神学,造成了肤浅的基督教和许多的新教派。
Individualistic education has a deep influence on a country's development. 个性化教育对提高一个国家的国际竞争力存在深远影响。
Individualistic education is a hot topic which is put forward on the basis of realizing educational effects fully. 摘要个性化教育是在充分认识教育效果基础上所提出的一个热点话题。

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