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It's not a time for homeowners to panic. Any price declines are unlikely to wipe out their gains of recent years.

It's not a post office regulation, but we strongly recommend that all mail have a legible return address. 这不是邮局的规定,但是我们极力建议所有邮件都要写清楚回信地址。
It's not a regular museum. 它不是正规的博物馆。
It's not a revolutionary plan but a way of life and is a welcome break from all the self-denial-no-pain-no-gain plans that have been popping up over the last ten years. 这不是一个革命性的计划,而是一种生活方式,而且在近10年涌现的各式倡导“自我节制+不劳无获”的计划当中,它就是一个可喜的改观。
It's not a sapiential universe, just dead matter, the life you know is just a byproduct. 它不是一个智慧的宇宙,只是死的物质,你所知的生命只是一个副产品。
It's not a short story about me, I will tell you day by day, are you interesting? 我的故事并不短,我想每天给你讲一些,你感兴趣吗?
It's not a time for homeowners to panic. Any price declines are unlikely to wipe out their gains of recent years. 房屋拥有者不必恐慌,任何价格下滑都不可能会抵消近年来的收益。
It's not a truth pure and simple to abandon the system of personal servitude. 人役权制度的废弃并非铁板一块的绝对真理。
It's not a very catchy name, is it? 它是很难记住的名字,是吧?
It's not all good news, though. 不过,并非都是好消息。
It's not allowed to be with the foreigners. 绝对不容许落在外国人的手上。
It's not allowed to dump trash in school. 在校园里不准丢垃圾.

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