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Morphine and other opiates, which bind to opioid receptors on the nociceptor endings that reach into the spinal cord, employ this latter tactic.

Moron! -I thought you were needy. 弱智!-我以为你在乞讨。
Morph Beam: The fusing of an aerodynamic widebody head with a traditional, box-shaped shaft for greater resistance to twisting and a more solid feel. 形态梁:符合空气动力学特征的宽体拍头和传统的方型拍梁的结合,可以大大增强球拍的抗扭力水平,并提供更佳的球感。
Morpheme:the smallest meaningful unit of language. 语素:语言最小的意义单位。
Morpheus: Welcome to the real world! 欢迎来到真实世界!
Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? 摩斐斯:你在听我讲话吗,尼奥?还是在看那个红衣少女?
Morphine and other opiates, which bind to opioid receptors on the nociceptor endings that reach into the spinal cord, employ this latter tactic. 吗啡及其他鸦片类物质的结合目标「鸦片受体」,位在痛觉受器伸入脊髓的分支上,所以它们使用的就是上述「后发制人」的策略。
Morphine injection from extradural cavity、subarachnoid cavity、ventricle of cerebrum can have an obvious effect in treating intractable pain resulting from cancer by binding its receptor in spinal cord and centra with reduced dosage and side effect.This ar 硬膜外腔、蛛网膜下腔、脑室内注射吗啡可以集中其脊髓吗啡受体及中枢吗啡受体作用而对顽固性癌痛有效,并且因用量减少而副作用减少,本文介绍其用法及量的滴定理论公式以及药物代谢动力学特点。
Morphology and cytohistological zonation appeared different between cone apex and the vegetative shoot apex. 雌球果原基与营养茎端在外部形态及内部细胞组织学分区结构有明显差异。
Morphology of generative cells in pollen grains of 10 plants of Sect.Camellia and Sect. 摘要用光学显微镜对茶组、油茶组和红山茶组植物共10份材料的花粉粒生殖细胞进行了形态观察。
Morphology, sedimentation and evolution of the Changyun sand ridge in east Taiwan Strait (Hong-Ru Liao, Ph. D. thesis, 2006). 台湾海峡东部彰云沙脊之形貌、沈积作用及演化(廖宏儒、博士论文、民国95年)。
Morphology: is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning—morphemes and word-formation processes. 形态学:涉及词语的内部组织,它研究意义的最小单位----语素和成词过程。

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