MOA is kind of necessary over-voltage protector for safety running in electrical power system, It's used for prevent the equipment against the damage of atmosphere and operating over-voltage without gaps is belong to the third dynasty product, it's recogn
避雷器是电力系统安全运行不可缺少的过电压保护产品,用以保护电器设备免遭大氧过电压和操作过电压的损害,而复合外套无间隙氧化锌避雷器是属于避雷器第三产品,是当今各项性能最好的产品,其核心元件电阻片全部采用氧化锌阀片,而外壳材料是采用复合有机材料,如硅橡胶(SR),改性三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)等,它具有体积小,结构简单,重量轻,耐污积强,防爆等优点,最适合人口密度城市中使用。 |
MODE Configures a system device.
配置系统设备。 |
MODEL J5060MP/A is semi-atuo slice machine which is used in slicing ceramics,ND-Fe-B.magntic materrials.Quartz glass and other hard brittle materials.
型自动内圆切片机适用于各种钕铁硼、晶体、陶瓷、磁钢、石英玻璃等硬脆材料的精密切割。 |
MODEL J5090C is semi-auto slice machine which is used in slicing ceramics.ND-Fe-B.magneticmaterials.Quartz glass and other hard brittle materials.
J5090C型自动内圆切片机适用于各种钕铁硼、晶体、陶瓷、磁钢、石英玻璃等硬脆材料的精密切割。 |
MODEL SKV072 (SERIES) HIGH SPEED WINDER is mainly used in winding and rewinding for many kinds of raw material after being deep processed , It can meet the requirements of large-package tube or slack-winding bobbin(for dyeing).
主要用于对多种原料进行深度加工后的卷绕和复绕,能满足卷绕大容量管子或松染筒子的需求。 |
MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
宽容。以德报怨,别人冒犯你时要善于容忍。 |
MODERN, Western medicine tends to pooh-pooh its herbal cousin.
进入现代,西医对自己远亲兄弟一直抱着轻视的态度。 |
MODIAS DATA analyze and control.
基础采购数据的分析和控制。 |
MOFCOM may send its staff members to the countries (regions) concerned to carry out investigation if it deems necessary to do so, unless the countries (regions) concerned object to such an investigation.
商务部认为必要时,可以派出工作人员赴有关国家(地区)进行调查;但是,有关国家(地区)提出异议的除外。 |
MOFCOM may suggest price undertakings to the exporter.
商务部可以向出口经营者提出价格承诺的建议。 |
MOFCOM shall not force the exporter to enter into price undertakings.
商务部不得强迫出口经营者作出价格承诺。 |