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Tao Zhengji.Production of submicron tungsten powder by hydrogen reduction of tungsten trioxide [J].RM&HM,June 1986,108.

Tao Luna, Li Duihong and chen ying scored 1,768 points, improving the then-Soviet Union 1989 mark by four points. 陶璐娜、李对红和陈颖共得了1,768分,将前苏联1989年创下的记录提高了4分。
Tao Tianyue was born in Anhui province in 1931. 陶天月,一九三一年生,安徽人。
Tao Wang, International Monetary Fund, Currently a desk economist for China, previously worked on Hong Kong, Romania, Yemen, and the Philippines. 国际货币基金组织亚洲与太平洋部中国处高级经济学家,曾负责国际货币基金组织菲律宾,也门,罗马尼亚,香港,中国等国家和地区的工作。
Tao Xingzhi's theory on life education which took shape in Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal School was not discarded because of the closing of the school. 摘要形成于南京晓庄师範学校的“生活教育”理论并没有因为学校的关闭而停止。
Tao Yimin, excellent Young Pioneer director from Guangzhou Dongfeng Xi Road Primary School, is having the activity called Red Scarf Streetwith the pupils. (九)广州市东风西路小学优秀少先队辅导员陶毅敏和学生一起举办“红领巾街”活动。
Tao Zhengji.Production of submicron tungsten powder by hydrogen reduction of tungsten trioxide [J].RM&HM,June 1986,108. 杨扬,周美玲,李汉广.稀土镧、钇对蓝色氧化钨氢还原的影响[J].稀有金属材料与工程,1994,23(5):52.
Tao Zi becomes interested in the cockroach. 陶子对这头蟑螂产生了兴趣。
Tao Zi gives Cang Li Man a shove forward when the big dog rushes straight toward them. 那头大狗朝他们直扑过来的时候,陶子把仓里满往前一推。
Tao Zi laughs till tears drop. 陶子哈哈大笑起来,笑得流出了眼泪。
Tao Zi nods,saying in her heart,“Damned cockroach!Please never transmit foot ringworm to me. 陶子点了点头,心想:“狗蟑螂,拜托别把脚癣传染给我。”
Tao Zi sits cross-legged on the floor,with her hands on her knees. 陶子盘腿坐在地板上,双手放在膝盖上。

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