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The Joneses have two boys and a girl.

The Joint University Marketing Communications Award is an annual competition organised for local university students, where each team is required to conduct a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis of the sponsoring company and propose 每年一度的联校市务传讯比赛是为大专生而设,每队参赛队伍均须对赞助商作出「强弱机危综合分析」,然后构思全面的广告、公关及宣传策略来提高公众对特定主题的认识。
The Joker of the card deck is the one that doesn't always fit. 鬼牌是一张牌脸与其价值不相适应的牌。
The JonBenet Ramsey slaying suspect is currently being held at the Boulder County jail. “琼贝妮特·拉姆齐”谋杀案嫌疑犯日前被拘禁于博尔德县监狱。
The Joneses are coming for lunch en masse all twelve of them! 琼斯一大家子人都来吃午饭--一共十二口人!
The Joneses have bought a new car, and a large one at that. 琼斯家买了一辆新车,而且还是一辆大的呢。
The Joneses have two boys and a girl. 琼斯一家有两个男孩儿一个女孩儿.
The Jordanian territory west of the river Jordan which Israel captured in 1967. 约旦河以西的约旦领土,1967年被以色列占领。
The Joseph Needham Puzzle has confused the academe for a long time, and attracted many scholars to work at it. 摘要“李约瑟难题”长期以来一直困扰着学术界,并吸引了许多学者孜孜不倦地去探求该难题的答案。
The Joukowski airfoil problem is the simplest application of conformal mapping to airfoil design. joukowski问题是最简单的翼型形映射应用到机翼设计.
The Journal caters for middle school mathematics teachers senior college students and postgraduates majoringin mathematics or its related specialties technicians , engineers as well as for researchers and teachers in operations research , Optimization the 供运筹学、最优化理论、应用数学、计算数学、计算机科学、管理科学、系统工程、经济学工作者、以及工程技术人员、高等院校有关专业高年级学生与研究生、中等学校的数学教师阅读。
The Journal is as good as it gets in terms of high-quality journalism. 《华尔街日报》在高质量的新闻报导方面尽善尽美。

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