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The human-rights group Amnesty International says Iraqi security forces operating alongside the U.S.-led multinational forces are torturing prisoners in Iraq.

The human who becomes the owner of the DEATH NOTE can,in exchange of half of his/her remaining life,getthe eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human's name and remaining lifetime when looking through them. 死亡笔记的持有者可以用自己剩下寿命的一半与死神交换一双可以看到任何人音貌就知道其姓名与寿命的死神之眼。
The human whose name is written in this blog shall die. 名字被写在死亡日记上的人类会死亡。
The human's civilization cannot be divorced from the study of the nature because a lot of characteristics and visualizes what the things and phenomena provided with in nature can give us edification and also bring influence on the architectural innovation 摘要人类文明的进化离不开向大自然学习,大自然中很多物象的特性和形象给我们启迪,同样也会对建筑的创新产生影响,建筑仿生是科学、技术、艺术、自然的有机结合。
The human-oriented management thinking constitutes the core of corporate culture, which is used by big companies around the world as a magic weapon for their pursuits. 以人为本的管理思想是企业文化的核心内容,也是世界上各大公司的制胜法宝。
The human-oriented theory means that law should be constituted according to core status of human being, concern with human nature, freedom and pay attention to the human subject-status. 摘要“以人为本”的理念,意味着法律要以人为核心,关注人的人性、自由,注重人的主体性地位。
The human-rights group Amnesty International says Iraqi security forces operating alongside the U.S.-led multinational forces are torturing prisoners in Iraq. 人权组织大赦国际说,与美国领导的多国部队并肩作战的伊拉克安全部队折磨囚犯。
The humane primogenitor is the spirit of ethnic ancestor and culture creator. 汉族神话中的人文始祖女娲、伏羲、黄帝、炎帝已历史化。
The humane value that a harmonious editorial department promotes editors developing in an all round way, the specific concentrating expression as the following: the double winning strategy makes the editors have a clear aim, seek self improving and self d 摘要和谐编辑部具有促进编辑全面发展的人文价值,具体表现为:和谐编辑部所实施的双赢战略理念使编辑部成员目标明确,追求自我完善和发展,不断挖掘潜能,开拓创新;和谐编辑部良好的沟通机制最大可能地减少了编辑个体成长中的负面代价,可以使编辑部成员缓解精神压力促进身心健康,并学会讲究涵养处理好人际关系,赢得帮助和支持;和谐编辑部公平完善的进修学习制度为编辑部成员的不断成长提供了可靠的保障。
The humanist management idea, customer supreme service consciousness, the standard specialized professional personal integrity, founds high standard, the high grade brand much unfolds the meeting. 以人为本的管理理念,客户至上的服务意识,规范专业的职业操守,创建出更多高标准、高质量的品牌展会。
The humanistic ego psychology is the basic conception of psychological education. 有人性的自我心理学是心育的基本理念。
The humanitarian relief operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, led by UNHCR, was unprecedented in its scale, scope and complexity. 以联合国难民署为首在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那执行的人道主义救援行动在规模、范围和复杂性等方面都是空前的。

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