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A 13-year-old boy with rupture of retroperitoneal teratoma due to blunt abdominal trauma is presented.

A 12-year-old Ohio boy is in trouble with the law. 俄亥俄州的一名12岁男孩因触犯法律受到监禁。
A 12-year-old Ohio boy is in trouble with the law. A police dashboard camera caught the preteen out for a joyride. Despite several collisions, the boy was not injured. 俄亥俄州的一个12岁的男孩遭受起诉。一名警察的仪表盘摄影机捕捉这名不满13岁的孩子在外驾车兜风。尽管有些碰撞,但这男孩没有受伤。
A 12-year-old boy collapsed while riding a roller coaster at a Disney MGM park. 一个12岁的小男孩在MGM迪斯尼公园玩云霄飞车的时候,见了上帝。
A 13-billion year old planet orbiting a pair of long-dead stars in a crowded globular cluster: even for the Hubble Space Telescope, that's amazing! 在一个拥挤的球状星团中,一颗130亿年的古老星球正围绕着一对死寂多时的星星而运行,这事连见多识广的哈勃都惊叹不已!
A 13-member delegation from St. Joan of Arc visited our school and joined a program themed One Olympics, One World. 英国圣女贞德小学师生代表团13人访问巴蜀,开展同一奥运、同一世界主题活动。
A 13-year-old boy with rupture of retroperitoneal teratoma due to blunt abdominal trauma is presented. 摘要本文报告一例13岁男孩病人,因为腹部钝伤接受电脑断层检查而显示有囊状肿瘤且其内存在脂肪液体分界层面。
A 13-year-old child does not mean a life of despair, a sixth-grade primary school students know that their childhood has been linked in the wall, the children were not dreaming of the time, do not know the game of happiness in their growth after day, on t 一个十三岁的小孩发出做人没有意思的感叹,一个六年级的小学生知道自己的童年已挂在了墙上,孩子们没有做梦的时间,不知道做游戏的快乐,在他们成长后的日子里,中国的大地上将会是一群群博学的白痴,而这一群群博学的白痴再把下一代培养成一群群博学的白痴。
A 14-month-old girl was noted with chorioretinopathy and a nematode living in the anterior chamber of the left eye. 摘要本例为广东住血线虫之幼虫引起眼部病变的报告。
A 14ft inflatable boat, a coffin, false limbs and a lawn mower are just some of the items left on public transport. 1艘14呎长的橡皮艇、1具棺材、多具义肢、1台除草机,只是丢在大众运输工具上众多项目中的几样而已。
A 15-year-old Italian boy was given the cold shoulder after hitchhiking 1,250 miles to see a Swedish girl he fell in love with on holiday. 警察把他从车上叫下来时,他已经冻得嗦嗦发抖。这名15岁的意大利男孩,不顾寒冷,搭顺风车到1250英里以外的地方去,为的是见到他在假期里爱上的瑞典女孩。
A 15-year-old boy who had not defecated for 1 week was diagnosed as having a mucinous adenocarcinoma in the descending colon. 摘要一个十五岁男生因一周未排便为表现而被诊断出在降结肠处有结肠黏液性腺癌。

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