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Article 17 The term the publicationmentioned in Article 18 of this Act means the publication, announcement or supply of statistics collected and compiled by government agencies to the public through oral announcement, written form, microfilm or computer s

Article 17 The relevant documents to be submitted by a Chinese applicant for the establishment of a joint-equity insurance company shall include business license (duplicate), articles of association, business structure, operation history, annual report an 第十七条设立合资保险公司的中国申请人,应当提交的有关资料包括营业执照(副本)、公司或者企业的章程、业务结构、经营历史、最近3年的年报以及最近3年受处罚的记录。
Article 17 The sale of archives owned by the State shall be prohibited. 第十七条禁止出卖属于国家所有的档案。
Article 17 The staffing of administrative agencies of the State Council shall, pursuant to the principle of simplification, be determined in the light of functional al[] and position classification and. 第十七条国务院行政机构的编制依据职能配置和职位分类,按照精简的原则确定。
Article 17 The state shall encourage the domestication and breeding of wildlife. 第十七条国家鼓励驯养繁殖野生动物。
Article 17 The stipulations of the Company Law of the People's Republic of Chinaapply to the organizational forms and setups of the commercial banks. 第十七条商业银行的组织形式、组织机构适用《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定。
Article 17 The term the publicationmentioned in Article 18 of this Act means the publication, announcement or supply of statistics collected and compiled by government agencies to the public through oral announcement, written form, microfilm or computer s 第17条本法第十八条所称政府统计资料之发布,系指以口头、书面、缩影片或电子计算机媒体等方式,将政府统计资料公开、公告或对外提供。
Article 17 This Convention dose not prevail over any treaty which has already been or may be entered into: in particular it shall not affect any liability imposed on any person by existing or future treaties. 第十七条本公约并不优于任何已经或可能订立的条约:它尤其不得影响现有的或未来的条约置于任何人的任何义务。
Article 17 Tourist agencies shall strengthen the education on complying with discipline and laws, and on professional ethics, among their employees, and lay great stress on professional training, in order to unceasingly improve the quality of the employee 第十七条旅行社对所属从业人员,应当加强遵纪守法、职业道德的教育和专业培训,不断提高从业人员的素质,以适应旅游事业发展的需要。
Article 17 Water and soil conservation measures must be adopted to prevent soil erosion when preparations for afforestation, tending of young growth, and cultivation of commodity trees such as oil-tea camellia and tung tree are done on hillsides with a sl 第十七条在五度以上坡地上整地造林,抚育幼林,垦复油茶、油桐等经济林木,必须采取水土保持措施,防止水土流失。
Article 17 When using measuring instruments,no person shall be allowed to impair their accuracy,thereby prejudicing the interests of the State and consumers. 第十七条使用计量器具不得破坏其准确度,损害国家和消费者的利益。
Article 17 Where the manufacturer fails to file a tax return within the time limit prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 12 but has filed the tax return and paid the Tobacco and Alcohol Tax and the Health and Welfare Surcharge owed within the time limit as 第17条产制厂商未依第十二条第一项规定期限申报计算税额申报书,而已依第十四条规定之补报期限申报缴纳菸酒税及菸品健康福利捐者,按应纳菸酒税税额及菸品健康福利捐金额加徵百分之一滞报金,其金额不得超过新台币十万元,最低不得少于新台币一万元。

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