The central bank increased the required reserve ratio twice during the month to absorb excess liquidity.
央行在4月份两次提高存款准备金率以吸收多余流动性。 |
The central bank is also sensitive to criticism that this summer it prematurely announced the end of Japan's debilitating era of deflation.
日本央行对外界的批评也同样非常敏感,今年夏天,它曾迫不及待地宣告日本经济衰退的紧缩时代的结束。 |
The central bank is glad that the surge in capital spending has been there to support the economy, but it is anxious that things should not get out of hand.
让日本央行高兴的是,资本支出的激增推动了经济增长,但是,他们也为不让经济发展失去控制而紧张。 |
The central bank of China can take advantage of money supply to control the market flexibly.
中央银行仍然可以用货币供应量来灵活调控市场。 |
The central bank raised interest rates yesterday for the fourth time this year to control money supply and rising prices.
昨日,央行年内第四次上调利率,以控制货币供给量和物价上涨。 |
The central bank raised the bank deposit reserve ratio by the same margin of 0.5 percentage points in August and July.
在今年的7月和8月,中央银行提高定期存储利率的幅度都是0.5%。 |
The central bank said the move is aimed to control money supply and credit, and stabilize inflation expectations.
据央行介绍,这一举措主要是为了“调控货币供给和信贷投放及稳定通胀预期”。 |
The central bank said the yuan would be allowed to move in a tight range of 0.3 percent up or down from the previous day's close, the same flexibility China has had, but chosen rarely to use, since it adopted a managed floatpolicy in 1994.
中央银行宣布,允许人民币以前一天收盘价为基准,上下浮动0.3个百分点,但由于人们币从1994年以来采取“浮动管制”政策,浮动很少被采用。 |
The central bank should establish a target system and transmission mechanism of monetary policy including asset prices and construct a more efficient monetary policy operation framework.
央行应尽快建立与资产价格监测相关的指标体系,形成考虑资产价格波动因素的货币政策传导机制,构建均衡实体经济与虚拟经济的货币政策操作框架。 |
The central bank suggested that Japan's recent economic performance had been slightly worse than it had foreseen in the six-monthly outlook that it had released in October.
央行表示近期日本的经济表现略逊于当局于去年10月份公布的6个月前景预测。 |
The central bank supervises and controls money market.
中央银行监督控制金融市场。 |