However, no matter what pin position, just hit to the center of the green because it reach every corner in same distance.
不论旗竿差在哪一个位置,建议你都往果岭中间打就好,那个位置到果岭每个角落都适中。 |
However, no rights and obligations for the supply of the Products shall arise between Supplier and Distributor unless and until a firm order has been accepted in writing by Supplier.
但是,只有在供应商已经书面接受一份有约束力的订单,供应商和经销商之间才就经销产品的供应产生权利和义务关系。 |
However, no rule exists for Roundup Ready crops.
不过,对于抗草甘磷作物,目前还没有既定的规则存在。 |
However, none of them had ever left any place for bamboo-root potted landscape in their works.
竹根艺术盆景以其既有盆景的幽雅、又有根艺的韵味而受到众多爱好者的好评,并得到许多专家学者的高度评价。 |
However, nor will it do anything to encourage the reconciliation or compromise that Iraq needs.
然而,更不可能为伊拉克带来急需的(各股政治势力之间的)和解和相互妥协。 |
However, not all females or breeds carry to day 63, and a few queens have been known to carry for up to 72 days.
然而,并不是所有母猫或者所有的品种的孕期都是63天,还有个别母猫的孕期曾经达到72天。 |
However, not content with this, we are now pressing the university on recycling and energy efficiency.
不过,艾德华可不会就此满足于他的成就:「我们现在正在校内推动回收及改善能源使用效率。 |
However, not even this low level of correctness of beliefs is required for our conclusions.
这句话到底是什么意思?是说仅仅低水平的正确性是不够的吗? |
However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works.
然而,除此之外您别无其他修改或散布本程式或其衍生著作的授权许可。 |
However, notice that none of this behavior is explicitly stated in the dialog itself.
然而我们发现,所有的这些行为都没有在对话框中有明确的表述。 |
However, now in the evening when I get home I am home and I am not tuning to financial news nor am I opening my homeline to the brokers.
但是,现在当我晚上回到家里我的确的确是回到了家里,而不会去关注金融消息或者通过自己的专线连到交易商那儿。 |